Upstate woman charged with adultery after lewd act in a public park.
In court on Tuesday, Corona did not enter a plea, but vowed to fight the constitutionality of the charge.
“One of the reasons you don’t see this charge more often is that the law in New York State requires that there must be corroboration,” Genesee County District Attorney Larry Friedman told the Daily News.
Because the alleged act took place in a public park, in full view of several witnesses as well as the cops who responded, there was “no basis not the file the charge,” Friedman said.
Wow, who knew that was possible? Three cheers for the cops for adding that charge.
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“His genitals were exposed, perhaps by the zipper, but that’s it.” Oh, well in that case, it’s totally cool in a public park at 5pm. The gentleman, while none too bright, was much smarter. He had no public comment.
Here’s someone in Michigan convicted of “seducing an unmarried woman.”
p>People in Virginia get charged with, and convicted of, criminal libel, which involves falsely impugning a woman’s virtue and chastity.
p>How about being charged with desecration of the US flag?
p>I suspect that a lot of these are used by prosecutors for plea bargaining purposes, which doesn’t make it right.