When Arlen Spector lost the Democratic Primary all I could think was thank god the Democrat won. Now this from TPM:
Wow, not a good cycle to switch parties. Didn’t work out for Arlen Specter. And it’s not looking good for Parker Griffith, the right-leaning Alabama Dem who switched parties to the GOP. With a little over 50% of the vote in, Griffith has 33% of the vote to 51% for Mo Brooks.
Thank god the Republican won!
It’s one thing to have a legit change of mind over an extended period of time in politics. It’s another to change for jaded political reasons. Griffith jumped ship when the health care reform was in its darkest days.
The universe regains balance in its own way.
Party switcher couldn’t even force a runoff.
I don’t favor blind loyalty, but at the same time this sort of opportunism should be punished. I can see Mollohan doing this in mid-2011 if elected in WV-01.
Mollohan’s the HCR supporter Oliviero primaried out from the right.
p>I hope he loses. I hope he loses by a close margin after being severely underfunded and wishing he hadn’t upset progressives.
p>Not gonna happen though because Chris van Hollen’s DCCC loves itself some conservadems. Case in point: HI-01 special.
p>Bonus points to anyone who got the joke.