Republican Analyst and Consultant Todd Domke had this to say in an interview with WBUR about the Perry/Flanagan Sexual Molestation Scandal:
“The Rep. Perry scandal is disturbing. Every time he answers questions about this, it raises more questions. The facts of the case – as reported in The Cape Cod Times, Cape Cod Today and the Globe – contradict some of his earlier statements. He was either unbelievably incompetent, has an unbelievably poor memory, or is a terrible liar. In any case, he is not believable.”
Domke on how Perry’s coverup and protection of serial child molester Scott Flanagan hurts Scott Brown and Mitt Romney:
The scandal is a problem for former Gov. Romney and Sen. Brown because they endorsed him. I assume they will withdraw their support. Perry said this is old news, but did Romney know about all this when he decided to endorse him? It will be difficult for Romney to attack Democrats on scandals if he’s supporting someone with Perry’s record. It would become a political scandal for Romney. You can’t defend the indefensible.“
To listen to the rest of the interview on WBUR go to this link:…
You should probably be trying to help him win right now, and then you can talk about this after he wins the primary. Otherwise it’ll be old news before it can hurt him.
And it’s not like it’s hard to help Perry by attacking Republicans. Joe Malone has his own record of incompetence and corruption.
No matter how stupid Republicans are and they are pretty stupid, do you think Republican women will ever support a guy who covered up and protected his buddy Flanagan who sexual assaulted both 14-year-old and 16-year-old girl (especially if Perry witnessed one of the rapes).
p>What about Republican voters who have children? Don’t you think that many of them will be turned off by Perry especially if they know that Perry protected and covered up for Flanagan while he was molesting these children.
Perry is toast. In fact his whole life is a lie. In fact, I hear that when Perry “resigned” only days after Flanagan was indicted, and he ended up in Florida where he worked as a Coffin Salesman…
First I’d have to see evidence that the cops ‘molested’ the girls, then I’d want to know how much they were threatened to take a plea deal…
p>That’s usually how the system works, you don’t have to be guilty to be found guilty.
p>They say 10% of the people on death row are innocent of the crime.
p>Anyone read the trial transcripts?
p>Anyone call the prosecutor’s office and see what evidence they had?
p>Was any of this caught on video/audio?
p>I have looked into a case where cops abused someone under the “color of law”.
I had the cops lie to me, the state investigators lie to me, & the FBI lie to me. Even one of the papers printed stuff they knew was a lie.
p>So I usually want to see evidence myself…no matter who the accuser or victim is…
For a long time, the veneration of Todd Domke as a knowledgeable source for GOP thinking on news outlets and Emily Rooney has annoyed me, as I have never seen Domke at a Republican event. No – town committee meetings, county clubs, State Committee meetings, campaign events, Middlesex Club dinners, issues summits, conventions, and so on.
p>For CERTAIN, he’s never been at a GOP event in the 10th Cong. district, even if he does flit in and out of something in Boston (I may cover the waterfront, but I’m not omniscient). So for him to comment on the actions/opinions of voters there is especially questionable.
p>I became curious about his involvement, and Googled for a while. The only reference to being a campaign consultant I could find was on a failed campaign to replace Chet Atkins. Charley Flaherety didn’t seem to like him either. So his relevance as a knowledgeable current source seems a little past its expiration date.
p>Although I suppose he can still call himself a consultant as long as Emily keeps consulting him…