Saw a headline in the herald Sen. Brown ”Gov Patrick should have saved up for a rainy day” Link to Story Made me wonder what does Sen. Brown’s Rainy Day look like? I think that we are in the middle of a Monsoon. I guess if you are a privileged male model things look differently. | |||||||||||
Scotty here is a short list of groups that are having a rainy day because of your no vote on the Jobs Bill | |||||||||||
Sen. Brown I know you are new at this. But… You cannot blame other people for votes you make. | |||||||||||
You have made it rain for a lot of people today. |
Please share widely!
Their long term unemployment ran out – and I hope each and every one of them “thanks” Senator Scott Brown by NOT voting for him, and showing up Monday, June 28th to say THIS is MY rainy day.
p>There are not enough employees in so-called “Workforce development” to even answer the phones, let alone help anyone! THIS is a rainy day.
p>Massachusetts higher education receives less financial support than 48 other states, HOW are we going to “retrain”
10,000 more long term unemployed a week?
p>RAINY DAY – heck, yes, THIS is a MONSOON…