Same-sex marriage is now legal in 5 states, and court challenges to Prop 8 and DOMA promise to continue to raise that figure.
Women now are a majority of the American workforce for the first time in history7, and continue to make gains in education and homeownership.
Technology advances now allows HD videos to be viewed on mobile cell phones, such as this video by Mos Def and Lenny Kravitz, “It Ain’t My Fault”, which will help raise funds for the Gulf region.
Advances in medical technology may soon increase the human lifespan by targeting the genes for aging8.
I could go on, but you get the idea. All in all, the good certainly outweighs the bad, I think9.
Please share widely!
Life expectancy was about 40 in 1900!
p>We in Mass have much to appreciate – a public school system that’s demonstrably the best in the country and one of the best in the world, high income, low poverty, low crime, low divorce, safest roads in the country (believe it or not!) and so forth.
Extending life expectancy has an enormous carbon footprint and is a crushing burden on young people and people who don’t live in the Utopia of Massachusetts.
Life expectancy has kind of petered out, and in fact life expectancy once age 25 has been reached may be falling. It turns out that more and more Americans are suffering the health consequences of fatassedness, which tends to result in deaths in the 60s instead of the 80s.
p>I looked at some data, and it’s been pretty flat for a few years now. I’m not claiming that you’re wrong, but I’m not so sure that you’re right either.
Obviously if you count everyone, and average all people together, you’ll have less to celebrate about how good life is these days. But that’s why we don’t have to do that anymore. Now we have online dating websites like
p>And now they have an online egg and sperm bank that anyone can use, you don’t even have to be rated beautiful to reap the benefits of our greatness. Things just keep getting better and better.
Preservation Hall was the highlight of New Orleans for me, but I’ll admit regrets that Marie Watanabe didn’t play in the video…she does piano at Preservation Hall and has a beautiful touch on the keys…
Let’s all hop on one of Southwest Airlines twenty flights a day and see a piano player. Maybe they’ll play “Ain’t My Fault”, and we can all post video and write about it on our blogs.
Is that phrase a blessing or a curse.
We have nine ways to communicate with people yet nobody answers the phone anymore, you are dumped into an automated path which goes nowhere. The shiny new electronic toys are made here not, nor does any of it really enhance my life.
Our media is corporate propaganda, GMO foods are untested, both wars are based on the bogus fiction of Al-CIA-duh as Larry Silverstein did have the most excellent asbestos removal plan.
Both HAVE to work in a household today and with little prospect of leaving the house of the baby boomer parent.
Are they really tageting the genes of aging or are they working on the next super bio-plague, that ultimate weapon.
Come on, admit it, you really want me to quit smoking or wear my seat belt mostly because you don’t want me quandering the resources of the medical establishment on a frivoulous basis.