“The Tea Party has had its five minutes of fame. It is now time for us to toss them into Boston Harbor, we are the true party of the people.”
The House of Adams (Quincy Tea Party) is taking the position that State Senator Moore’s comments made at the Democratic Convention in Worcester on June 5, 2010 were simply a rhetorical flourish. Our membership realizes that a responsible sitting State Senator would never seriously advocate physical violence against the free citizens he has sworn to represent.
The Tea Party challenges both the Republican and Democratic Parties to work together to close the $3 Billion gap in the 2011 State budget without relying on funds from the federal government which, if used, will only increase the total unfunded liabilities of our Federal government which now stands at more than $350,000 per person.
The Tea Party is a non-violent, non-profit group of concerned citizens who are serious about addressing the fiscal problems of our government at all levels. You can join your local group of fellow citizens at http://www.teapartypatriots.org/
Will poorly spelled, nonsensical, and defamatory protest signs that underscore the holder’s general cluelessness be provided, or is it BYO? Thanks.
We advocate closing the unfunded liabilities of the federal government by not letting grumpy old white guys:
p>* accept Social Security or Medicare, both unconstitutional federal mandates
* accept federal student loans for their children and grandchildren to attend college, which denies banks the right to profit from educating young people
* allow their children to attend public schools and use public libraries (unconstitutional public options that disrupt the marketplace and freedoms)
* deposit funds in federally insured bank accounts or federally regulated financial services (more illegal and unconstitutional incursions in the free market)
* drive on public highways
* use public sewer systems, which deny people the right to wallow in their own ignorance
p>Funny how non-violence includes attacking federal buildings and killing unarmed workers, shooting policemen, and shooting up church services.
p>Why don’t you take those nice white sheets you all wear down to the Gulf and clean off a few pelicans? Help your BP buddies out, so the federal gubmint don’t have to.
We don’t allow racists in The House of Adams. That would be a slap in the face to both John and Abby who both thought slavery would tear the country apart as it almost did. We’re not all rabid constitutionalist either. Nor do we advocate shooting people in church. Also, I don’t agree with Rand Paul’s ideas on rescinding the Civil Rights Act. The abolishst. movements started in this state (Abington, MA). Maybe Kentucky is a differnet story. I’m not sure.
p>Many members in our Quincy,MA group are concered with the national debt and budget deficits and fully realize that although Republicans like to talk a good fiscal game they come up short about as much as the Democrats. Bush was a fiscal wreck. I admit I wasn’t protesting Bush when he was in office. Personally, I’ve been an idenpendent all my life but do tend to vote for R’s most of the time.
p>BP is getting what they deserve. Based on the public comments of their employees it appears they could have acted on the warnings from the rig workers before the thing blew up. It appears very possible they may be criminally negligent.
p>Personally I’m not a big Palin lover which is what I find with quite a few members and corresponds to the national poll they did on Tea Party members.
p>The sewer system and public highways remarks had me smiling and laughing.
p>Thanks for the spirited debate,