Many of us share this frustration when our elected Democratic leaders fall short of their campaign promises or our Party’s highest ideals. As has been a mantra of the netroots for some time, the goal is no longer simply electing more Democrats but rather electing better Democrats.
Achieving this means talking to voters, door to door and one at a time, hearing their concerns and engaging with them about the very future of our country. And every single day, with every new voter I speak to, my campaign gains support and builds momentum. That’s how a grassroots campaign works, that’s how we change the direction of a political party and a country, and that’s why I need your support.
Please visit my campaign website and sign up to volunteer. Join our Facebook group and follow our Twitter feed. Invite your friends to do likewise. Of course, with a key fundraising deadline approaching one week from today, I appreciate any financial support you can provide to help our campaign spread this message of electing Democrats who will act like Democrats and fight for working families every single day.
Our campaign will provide voters with a choice: support someone who will fight for working families, or support the status quo. I hope you will make your choice clear by joining our campaign, and I look forward to meeting you out on the trail!
It is a joke that a Congressman like Lynch, who is fortunate enough to have a fairly Democratic district, voted against HCR. Meanwhile Dems like Betsy Markey in tough R territory had to go out on a limb to put it over the finish line. Lynch should be ashamed of himself.
Meet and Greet Mac in Medfield at 8 Kenney Road, June 24th from 7-8:30pm
p>RSVP to me if you’re coming at
It seems perverse that questioning whether we can afford extending a tax cut is an apostasy against the Democratic Party. These are the Bush tax cuts. Yes, the Democratic Party has pretty consistently promised to keep the tax cut for the middle class, but if we can’t afford it we can’t afford it, and if the Democrats aren’t willing to raise our taxes who will?
p>If the only options are “tax cuts for all” and “tax cuts for most” it’ll take a long time to get the budget out of the hole the Bush Administration dug it in. Fighting for the middle class shouldn’t mean protecting them from everything that inconveniences them to the detriment of everything else.
I thought at least some Democrats in the last election would champion the working man. I count two. I hoped for a change in the ways that lower the living standards of the working man. Nada. I believed it possible to bring transparency to government — return the “by the people, for the people.” Ha! Peace? War is peace.
p>And the Democratic voters just march to the same music that they booed when played by the Republican band.
p>Then I thought “At least I can gripe about it…”. Not for long.
p>Best of luck in your endeavor.
p> (Close shot: Chambers as seen over her shoulder. His eyes narrow.)
p> Chambers: What’s the matter, Pat? What’s going on?
(Reverse angle looking toward her. Her lips tremble.)
p> Pat: I…I finally deciphered their language. All of it. I read their book.
(Close shot: a suspended speaker overhead. A Kanamit’s metallic voice rings out.)
p> Kanamit’s voice: Please move ahead. You’re holding up our departure. Kindly move ahead.
(Cut to: Two-shot Chambers and Pat)
p> Chambers: Well?
p> Pat: Mr. Chambers…Mr. Chambers, the first page is just a collection of English words with their own translation. But the rest of the book…the rest of the book-It’s a cookbook! –To Serve Man written by Damon Knight.
To unseat Lynch. Even tho so many constituents are sick and tired of him.
p>I hope BMG ponies up some cash and hours—this is a fight worth fighting hard.
p>Good Luck Mac. I’m telling everyone I know about you.