Our band, the “Band Joists” will play again
Learn new skills in lowering energy bills
Meet new people in a non-socially awkward setting cause you’re all holding hammers and busy working
Help the Democracy Center, a nonprofit that houses half the environmental/social justice organizations on the east coast
See an attic without a speck of insulation!
Learn how to:
Fix broken sash cords and latches
Repoint mortar
Repair drywall
Fix broken basement window panes in 3 minutes each
Airsealing the attic with a professional
Secrets to saving on water bills
A five minute walk from the Harvard Square T stop, parking is very limited. The sign-up form: https://spreadsheets.google.co…
You can also sign-up ahead for time for the June 26 Barnraising at the Cambridge YWCA Family Shelter.
We’re going to take another crack at it. It’s at 3 Bigelow St., to the left of Cambridge City Hall. The introduction starts around 12:30, so check in before that. We’ll work until 4, then have some food. Parking is very limited (and not available for people without a Cambridge sticker on a Saturday), so please find alternate transportation. The subway redline stops at Central Square, three blocks East. There will also be a separate attic airsealing effort here, only this one will be a week ahead of time, on the 19th. When you sign up here:
again you can select attic airsealing, if that’s the job (and date) you’d like to take part in.
The Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) is a Cambridge-based
co-op bringing neighbors together to weatherize our homes
and take the energy future into our own hands.
Below is a list of other weatherization barn-raising groups that we know of, and their contact information:
p>Albany, NY; Jim Devine; jdevine@advancedenergypanels.com
Arlington; Jeremy Marin; jeremy@marinstrategies.com
Boston; Michelle McGruder; michelle@ace-ej.org
Brookline; Jim Lockwood; 617-277-0290
Carlisle; Cindy Nock; cindynock@comcast.net
Jamaica Plain; Loie Hayes; loiehayes@verizon.net
Lowell; Mohammed Omar; mohamed_omar@harvard.edu
Marlboro; Jen Boudrie; jen@greenmarlborough.org
Maynard; Ann Marie Kamensky; amk01730@yahoo.com
Needham; Eleanor Rosellini; efrosell@aol.com
New Bedford; Kalia Lydgate; klydgate@marioninstitute.org
Providence, RI; Amelia Rose; amelia.rose@ejlri.org
Quincy;Patti Keville; Patricia.Keville@sprint.com
Reading; Joan Bogel; joan.bogel@genzyme.com
Somerville; Vanessa Rule; beckrule@rcn.com
Waltham; Erica Schwarz; erica@watchcdc.org
Watertown; Mike Bohigian; watertown.heet@gmail.com
Worcester; Ashley Trull; astrull@clarku.edu
p>Maybe you’d like to start one in your town. Barnraising manual available at http://www.heetma.com/resources
green global carbon Bernie Madoff taxes, kill all remaining commerce and dump poor people out of their houses.
general global carbon and resource waste, kill all remaining working ecological systems, and dump the species onto the compost heap for the microbes.