The Auditor’s race is as down ballot as you can get, but I’m glad it has gotten as much attention as it has here on BMG. It’s an important race that has, with few exceptions, been ignored by the press. I don’t think I need to go into too much detail about why I’m avoiding Guy Glodis. Yellowdogdem has given us plenty of reasons, and Charley has even said it’s over for him.
I really don’t like how negative Bump has gone, but I can’t say I’m surprised. She hasn’t gotten any traction at all, and I think that’s evidenced by the $50,000 she has lent to her campaign. If she hadn’t she’d be operating in the red. When I heard she was running my first thought was that she should be expecting $500 checks from every union in the state to be rolling in soon. That clearly hasn’t happened, nor has she been raising much from individuals. If she has to go negative and go through two campaign staffs just to get 15% at the convention, I don’t know how she is going to be able to beat a very competitive Republican candidate in the general.
I strongly believe that Mike Lake will be the most independent candidate for an office that, above all others, you don’t want someone who owes lots of favors. I also think his education and experience set him above the above the pack and also position him very competitively in the general. His five degrees (Finance, Management Information Systems, Political Science, Communications, and Entrepreneurship) are all in fields directly relevant to the operations of the Auditor’s office.
Impressing the President of the United States enough to be appointed a special assistant while still in your early 20s is a remarkable feat in and of itself. When you realize it was by re-designing and improving processes and systems for the White House, it becomes even more impressive. Good enough for President Clinton is more than good enough for me.
It is his forward thinking that has solidly put me into his camp, however. Mike has committed to bringing those same skills and abilities to the Statehouse, proactively seeking out ways to improve state agencies. Rather than wait for an after the fact audit, Mike wants to take best practices and apply them now.
I’ll proudly be casting my vote for Mike at the convention tomorrow. For those of you who will be attending with me, I would ask you to do the same.
When and where has Bump gone negative? I have heard her speak several times at various events and have never heard her breathe a word about either of her opponents.
p>I also question Lake’s WH tenure. I know concerns have been raised about over selling himself, but he’s only 31 (and as a 32-year-old I AM impressed that someone that age can mount a statewide campaign) which means he was still college age when Clinton would have appointed him to anything. He was certainly in college as he had five majors (and I thought my three was good!), so I don’t know how one could have this job and be a fulltime student.
I was disappointed that once again Mike Lake supporters need a third paragraph before they say anything about Mike Lake.
p>The White House thing does mean something to me, though. Lake was, as I understand it, supervising the White House as a government agency/institution. That seems decent training, albeit on a smaller scale, for doing the same with the government of Massachusetts.
I’m just still trying to figure out how you do that while still a student. I don’t know where the whole worked-for-Bush thing came from on another thread, but he always says he was appointed by Clinton. It’s been ten years since Clinton was President which would make Lake 21, and most people are in college ages 18-22.
I am committed to supporting Bump but would love to vote for Lake if he won the nomination, and would jump ship in a heartbeat if he was a more viable candidate to beat Glodis. But seriously folks, I am not going to do that if you guys keep going negative and only stay negative. There is a good chance Glodis is the nominee so your ammo should be directed towards him, because unlike Bump he is a repugnant prig of a politician. Secondly, by trying to ‘bump bump’ you are only making me resent Lake. I really think you are all doing your candidate a disservice by highlighting the negatives of his opponent and devoting preciously little time to your own candidates merits.
at the convention thanks to the awful campaign by the Lake folks.
Are you referring to the happy dancing river of Lake supporters pouring up to the podium for almost ten minutes, signs bobbing?
p>Are you referring to the video showcasing Mike Lake’s life story, of the early death for his father, and the way he responded to that by growing up early and taking a father’s care of his younger sister? That early loss was discussed without whining, and as a defining event in the development of Mike Lake’s personality.
p>Are you referring to Mike’s blueprint for having the role of Auditor take an proactive role in cost control, as our fiduciary, through a statewide energy audit?
p>Maybe you take it personally in some fashion when Mike Lake trumpets the fact that he is not riding on coat tails, not a protege or any other political figure, and is his own man – well that seems to be true, and it is a contrast – and trumpeting one’s independence is hardly attack politics.
That was the closest I have seen to a positive statement of candidacy coming from a Lake supporter, you are the first of his many supporters on BMG to really articulate why you are with your man, for what reasons, and why you think he is qualified. If more Lake supporters were like you, us Bump supporters would be happy to support him if he bested our woman in a fair and positive campaign. So please keep up the good work I am eager to hear more about why Mike Lake rocks and am fed up with hearing (other) Lake supporters bash my candidate.
p>So currently, you’re not?
I have a hard time voting for a bigot like Glodis, and I would have a hard time voting for Lake if all he did was tear other people down and send trolls to BMG that attack Bump and say almost nothing positive about Lake. If he were to come here, answer my questions, and if he and his supporters treated his opponents with respect, then he is worthy of consideration in a general election if he beats my candidate. But I vote for the best person for the job, not party, and while that usually means I vote Democratic anyway, in this circumstance I would rate Bump, Mary C, and then Lake. And Glodis is a walking example of why I am not a yellow dog democrat, racists and sexists, not to mention corrupt incompetents, have no place in the party, and he is all of those things and more. As for Lake, let him convince me using his background and experience why he is better than Bump, don’t just use ad hominems and guilt by association tactics.
p>And again thanks to supporters like AmberPaw my appreciation of Lake, not to mention my knowledge regarding basic information about him, has gone up. In a low name recognition and low info race like this I really see no point in going negative this early if at all, why start your campaign saying Bump sucks when most people don’t even know who you are or why you are here, and if you can’t answer the Stockdale question you aren’t fit to govern. Some of Lakes supporters have, but until more of them do and the candidate himself does, it is hard for me to consider him in light of the dirty campaign some of his supporters have run so far.
That few, if any people here are “running a dirty campaign”. They’re speaking on behalf of their candidate, whomever that may be.
p>I’ve been disturbed that some of Lake’s supporters have been rather aggressive, shall we say. I could say the same about Bump, however. Fact is, if you’re supporting 1 of 3 candidates, a natural question is why not the other two. Especially in this case, where Bump and Glodis both have a reason to anticipate support, either due to Bump’s work with Patrick or Glodis’s work with labor. I think an unspoken yet oft-answered question around here — especially around here — is “hey so-called progressive, if Bump is good enough for Deval Patrick, why isn’t she good enough for you?”
p>And I never would have thought six months ago that people would get so exercised about a primary for auditor. It says a lot about the competitive nature of BMGers…its auditor for goodness’s sake. If DeNucci hadn’t retired without issuing a press release, he probably would have been re-elected for all people pay attention to this office.
I hope it gets out of here and gets other people excited about this race, we should get excited about any race for any public office.
p>I also think its because its the only competitive Dem primary on the ballot that is making this one so lively. Coakley and Deval are unopposed and Murphy is not a real competitor to Grossman. So it leaves this race which has some really interesting characters in it, particularly in its villain Glodis (even sounds like a bad guys name).
p>Like I said I would like to vote for Lake in the general and I disagree with the notion that Bump supporters are going negative and would challenge you to find a piece where we have. Whereas, with AmperPaws very notable and fine exception, every other Lake supporter has gone on a multi-paragraph diatribe against Bump and then maybe devoted two or three sentences to why Lake is their man.