The Evo has a nifty built in feature to stream live video to, and through an object embed, into a blog post itself. Some preliminary tests today showed me that the implementation of this service was so easy to use, a caveman could do it. No exaggeration.
But if all goes well, I plan on live streaming as much of the Mass Dem convention as my battery life and my spot on the floor as a delegate allow. The live stream has about a 15-20+ second delay (made me think at first it wasn’t working, but then, miraculously, it popped into view inside my test unpublished blog post).
To facilitate the fact that I will likely put up and take down the live feed periodically for practical reasons, I have (finally) created a Twitter account for LiL (believe it or not, I’ve been on Twitter for weeks now in other capacities). You can follow me here. When the feed goes live, I will update it via Twitter right before.
I’m not promising zero technical difficulties, especially because after an initial test yesterday, Qik’s servers were overwhelmed when every new Evo owner decided to try out its best feature all at once, but if the live stream does not work, the videos will be posted after the fact on Youtube and linked at Twitter.
You’ll be able to see the feed in this LiL post, and I will also link to the feed and archives there, as well.
Don’t know how many people are going to watch the feed live, but it sure is nifty that I can do it in the first place (if it works). So this event is the perfect experiment to test it all out.
See you (quite literally, even if you aren’t going) at the state Democratic convention!
Qik stream was flaky at the beginning…managed at the end I think with Mike Lake for auditor speech. good experiment. right now, I am in the media room listening to Kerry’s tribute speech back in the press room with my phone pluggedn in.
We Evoheads killed Qik…it’s almost 11pm and I can’t even load’s blog or home page.
p>Poor Qik. They had NO idea how cool the proud owners of every sold-out Evo would think the service. From their blog post this morning:
p>It seems that I did manage to get several live streams sent to Qik. What’s more, is that those are archived in my Qik page, once the site gets up in the morning and stretches out its pulled muscles. Will link when I can. I’m also editing and uploading my non-Qik recorded videos of the Lt Gov and Gov speeches – which were really, really good. I wanted to be sure I captured those proper and didn’t want to screw that up.
p>On another note. The Evo. OMFGAIN. (OMFG Above In Heaven)
p>Yeah that’s right. I requisitioned an extended phrase abbreviation to describe the sheer level of awesome that is the Evo. iPhone, you just got outclassed. See ya.
p>FYI whatever the complaints about the battery performance don’t listen. It took quite a while of VERY heavy usage to kill the battery, then it recharges at least partially pretty quickly.