You may have heard about the ultra-sleazy new web-only attack ad that Charlie Baker has just released. Basically, FOX25 was interviewing the Gov, but their audio wasn’t working very well, and Patrick couldn’t hear several of the questions. Through a classic, slimeball cut-and-paste job, Baker’s media whizzes tried to make it look like Patrick was ducking the questions — indeed, the ad starts out by falsely declaring that “Governor Patrick doesn’t want to talk about his real record on JOBS.”
The ad is so obviously full of crap that FOX25 itself has called the Baker campaign on it. According to Jessica Heslam at the Herald, “FOX 25 asked the campaign to take down the online ad yesterday,” which seems to me highly unusual. In addition, the station did a story on the ad, and in so doing took the remarkable step of adding at the end that “FOX 25 did not grant permission for the Baker campaign to use its clips in its ad.”
Is the Baker’s use of the clips “fair use”? In the technical legal sense, probably (which would mean that permission was not required). In the ethical sense, clearly not.
But what I did find funny about the whole thing is that, in the course of Baker’s lame ad, this image from the FOX25 interview flashes on the screen:
See those numbers directly under the Gov? Those are the numbers that Charlie Baker doesn’t want you to know about: the ones showing impressive job creation “since 2009” (i.e., in 2010). They are exactly the same numbers touted by the Deval Patrick campaign itself: 44,800 new jobs so far in 2010, including 34,500 private sector jobs.
So thanks, Charlie, for a twofer: in one pathetic gesture, you’ve both advertised the Governor’s success in job creation, and also made clear what a sleazy campaign you are running. Well done.
distancing themselves and then asking for the ad to be pulled, you got some problems.
p>Baker is running a brutal campaign, and at this point you do have to wonder about the makeup of Baker as a governor.
p>FOX news video posted Patrick’s statement:
I thought this would be a cleverly doctored cut and paste to make the Governor look silly. Instead, it’s just a mish-mash of words on black with a guy who can’t hear questions from an interviewer. This might appeal to the very most devoted of Baker’s followers, who will relish any sucker punch on Patrick, but to the millions of voters who will decide the election it just looks like “WTF?” why is the Baker campaign wasting everyone’s time with nonsense like this.
p>It’s really sad, just as a matter of humanity, to see how Charlie Baker, who by all accounts is a reasonably smart guy, is just destroying himself in this campaign. In fact, it is reminiscent of how Kerry Healey committed somewhat similar political suicide. Imagine if the same people were running both campaigns. Hmm.
Why do we fall for this every time.
p>1. GOP puts out some outrageous ad. (i.e., Scott Brown = JFK)
p>2. Democrats get in a tizzie, mock the ad, ridicule the GOP, call them sleazy, classless, etc.
p>3. Media love it. Plays every minute of the pseudo-controversy, including hundreds (at least) of hours of free air time for said ad — which often has a minimal ad buy to begin with.
p>4. GOP ends up getting their message out for next to nothing, while Dems look like whiners.
p>No question, the ad is ridiculous, offensive, classless, mindless drivel. I just wonder what we get out of complaining.
p>That Fox25 actually took the time to call out the GOP on the ad makes me wonder if they are even in on this. Their reaction gave the ad even more press and notoriety.
p>But David’s point about the job numbers is awesome. Kind of like Baker’s kid missing layup after layup.
The GOP narrative is that taxes kill jobs. The GOP actually tries to win on issues — what a concept! Their message discipline has made this point quite emphatically.
p>So by that light, since taxes have risen in Massachusetts, the number jobs must have fallen. It’s that simple. For it to be otherwise is to violate some eternal law.
p>As a result, the assertion in their ad is truthy.
p>Your refutation by data sounds like lying with statistics.
What specific taxes has the current governor raised since 2009 and how do they create PRIVATE sector jobs?
News bulletin: Governor Patrick signed an increase to the sales tax from 5% to 6.25%.
p>Let me spell it out: I’m not saying that the Republican narrative is correct. It’s not. I’m saying that a whole mess of people believe the Republican narrative because Republicans have been at hammering it so well. According to that narrative, tax increases always and everywhere lead to job losses, and the only way to gain jobs is to cut taxes.
p>The Democratic Party apparatus appears to believe that the truth requires no campaigning, that ideology will evaporate like mist in the face of data, and that wonkery vincit omnes. And maybe the Easter Bunny will help win elections.
Charlie Baker: The Worst Campaign Millions of Dollars Can Buy!
Why did FOX25 continue an interview with such poor audio? It’s strange and makes them look like they were in on the Baker hit.
With challengers like these who needs an election?
p>I am seriously disappointed with Baker. Deval Patrick has recently rescued his failed governorship to the brink of mediocrity. And instead of having a serious challenger attack him on important areas where he has dropped the ball instead we get tweedle-baker and tweedle-cahill tripping over themselves to be tea party conservatives one day, moderates the next, liberals the next (Cahill on unions, Baker on social issues). These guys are contorting themselves to reach every corner of the electorate. And they are just looking plain silly.
p>If only Deval had a rational opponent who offered up serious critiques and a compelling alternative. Baker seemed cut out of central casting to be that figure, but has proven himself to be even more inept than both of his opponents, an impressive feat.
p>Guess Jill Stein it is, another perfectly good vote thrown away. At least Auditor and Treasurer have compelling candidates…