So we see the liberal warhawk join the conservative warhawk in vociferous attack against the dove. The plumage of both hawks look the same to me.
Anyone feel as if they’ve awakened in a Monty Python script?
(We see Edinburgh Castle at dusk. The lone piper is silhouetted against the crimson-streaked sky.)
Jeremy (Michael Palin): (voice over) The lone piper on the battlements of Edinburgh Castle…
(There are a few bars of bagpipe music. Suddenly there is a scream and he disappears. Cut to interior of stone-walled guardroom inside Edinburgh Castle. Ten kilted Scottish guardsmen with bagpipes in a line. A sergeant major at the door taps one on the shoulder.)
RSM (Terry Jones): Next!
(The next goes outside. We hear pipes start, the sergeant smiles. Cut to castle battlements. The piper plays and then jumps off We hear the scream as before. Another piper emerges and goes through the same routine.)
Voice Over: (Scottish accent) Here on top of Edinburgh Castle, in conditions of extreme secrecy, men are being trained for the British Army’s first Kamikaze Regiment, the Queen’s Own McKamikaze Highlanders. (there is a scream and a piper jumps off, another one emerges and starts to play) So successful has been the training of the Kamikaze Regiment that the numbers have dwindled from 30,000 to just over a dozen in three weeks. What makes these young Scotsmen so keen to kill themselves?
(Close ups of soldiers.)
Scots Soldier (Michael Palin): The money’s good!