Come with me to the Fire Island Ferry…
Frank – I get the discount, too.
Clerk – I’m sorry, sir, but you need a valid photo ID for that.
Frank – But I’m famous! Google Me! You’ll see I’m old enough!
Clerk – I’m sorry, Congressman, but the government ferry terminal has a porn blocker, so I can’t access you on Google…
Clerk – We DO have a discount, but it’s for SUFFOLK in JOISEY, not some SUFFICK…
Frank – I DEMAND my dollah! I’m ENTITLED! My friend – SENATAH – John Kerry will take me on his boat next time, and then…
Clerk (now wishing she hadn’t filled out that damn summer job application) – I am SORRY, sir, but I cannot MAKE exceptions…there are people behind you, sir, and the ferry is getting ready to leave…sir, I am going to HAVE to ask you…
Free advice – don’t quit your day job just yet…
Which would make him a Middlesex County resident.
You forget that all the Republicans in MA are just Texans who came up here to vote for Scott Brown. So don’t expect them to actually know anything about Massachusetts.