If you oppose Casinos or slots – call Governor Patrick Monday. Tuesday might be too late!
Do you oppose Casinos and expanding gambling like slot machines into our state?
Do you believe it is locals with modest incomes who will drop most of the money into the black hole of gambling and cause law enforcement, indigent defense, and child welfare costs to skyrocket?
Then call Gov Patrick MONDAY and voice your opposition; Tuesday might be too late!
In the last several days, I’ve extended personal invitations to people who oppose predatory gambling, and who are really busy or don’t have computers.
People forget, procrastinate, get busy.
But tomorrow might be your last day to weigh in.
Governor —
617 725-4005
888 870-7770
People are telling me email boxes are filled – try tomorrow. Better to call.
Tomorrow might be the most important phone call we make on this issue.
Remember, the costs of indigent defense, law enforcement, child welfare, and numbers of bankruptcies will soar – and without casinos, our economy in Massachusetts is doing much better than Nevada or New Jersey with casinos.
Please take five minutes and call the Gov and ask him to vote no – and do this Monday 7/12/10.
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ Margaret Mead
Thank you for your consideration.
Deborah Sirotkin Butler
Maybe we will be lucky, and especially, the children of the Commonwealth of Mass will be lucky, and NOTHING WILL COME OUT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE by July 31st…and so no casino bill this legislative session.
p>In the meantine, all the lobbyists will be awash in money; at least THAT won’t deprive children of food and shelter and might be some use to the economy.
Just read Kevin Cullen’s column
p>Those “station wagons” don’t usually travel 2 1/2 hours to Connecticut or Rhode Island.
Or effectively that’s what he said.
exists because it creates ADDICTION.
p>The Industry itself claims that ONLY 6% of the population will become Addicted.
p>That’s 308,000 Massachusetts residents and families that will be harmed.
p>This business derives 90% of its profits from 10% of its patrons.
p>Would we allow a toy on the market that ONLY injured 10% of the children who played with it?
p>There is truly something wrong on Beacon Hill when so many blindly follow without asking the tough questions.
p>From former Attorney General Scott Harshbarger:
Before we expand gambling …..What are the odds?
p>From a grassroots coalition formed to oppose Predatory Gambling:
United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts
p>This is a “Something for Nothing Scheme” that will cost us far more than we can afford.
…is addicted to alcohol, a LEGAL product that also causes its share of injuries via drunk driving, abuse, etc?
with extraneous side issues.
p>The state does not promote alcohol consumption or cigarette use as a revenue source.
p>With the legalization of Predatory Gambling, the state becomes a co-sponsor, vested in the success of the ventures, instead of regulator.
p>Since the job creation has been wildly overstated and the revenue flow has been wildly overstated, Beacon Hill will become committed to an ever increasing expansion of gambling, just as every other state has.
p>It’s curious that you can’t log onto a site, turn on tv or radio, or drive down the highway without seeing promotions for gambling and “The Wonder of it all.”
p>I would also call your attention to the experience of Connecticut:
Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods: DUIs
p>You might find this of value: