I’m talking, of course, about Garrett Quinn. Garrett’s rise to fame and fortune began at a small, obscure, conservative blog that ripped off its software platform and even its name from its more popular and more reality-based competitor. With Scott Brown’s successful campaign, the blog got more popular — but not enough for Garrett, who had bigger stars in his eyes.
Garret’s next move was to boston.com, a scrappy website affiliated with a once-great, now-struggling newspaper that, despite its cratering circulation numbers, remains the bane of every local conservative’s existence. Garrett’s colleagues at RMG announced the news with a mixture of congratulations and worry — the announcement post, though congratulatory on the surface, was tagged “sell out” and “evil old media overlords,” perhaps revealing the true feelings of those left behind.
And boston.com is fine, I guess … but it’s still local. It’s still not enough. So Garrett took the next step — and it’s a doozy, folks. Garrett Quinn — the libertarian, the outsider, the small government guy — is now blogging for (drum roll … wait for it …) Wonkette.
That’s right, Wonkette. The gold standard in sneering, snarky, elitist, inside-the-beltway commentary. The blog started by Ana Marie Cox that really hit the big time when it revealed the identity of “Washingtonienne,” a Senate aide who made money on the side by selling sex and who then blogged about it. The most insidery, DC-loving, non-libertarian, non-small-government blog around. But they get awesome traffic! No word yet from Garrett’s pals back in the trenches at RMG on his latest move.
All of the foregoing, of course, is entirely tongue-in-cheek. In all seriousness, hearty congratulations to Garrett, who is a terrific writer and a swell guy, and who richly deserves his continuing success in the blogosphere.
By the way, Garrett and I will be on Emily Rooney on WGBH radio tomorrow at noon. If he’s still talking to me, that is. đŸ˜‰
Don’t really get it, but whatevs. Grats to him nonetheless.
p>Note to the Globe: where’s the progressive blogger… who actually uses reality-based facts and stuff? Maybe I’d visit a bit more often if, for example, they picked up a Charlie or a Stomv…
p>The first thing the WashPo did right in a long, long time was picking up Ezra Klein (even if I’m not a huge Ezra Klein fan). And despite all the conservative rants about the “liberal media” nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that there isn’t a Charlie or Stomv at the Globe speaks volumes…
p>As for Wonkette… do people even go to that blog anymore? That is some real soul-selling stuff…
though I’m not so sure he’s much of a writer. It took him nearly 8 years to write 153 pages. More precisely, about a page every 18.5 days…
I bet you’ve written the equivalent of 200 pages of comments in just a single year! Or more! LOL
Clearly, the Globe doesn’t expect you to write that many words. If you wrote 153 pages over 8 years, and if there’s about 300 words to a page, that roughly translates into 18.8 words per day… which, given that Globe blog post, seems about right…
I seldom follow any of the lamestream channelsIt is kind of like getting all worked up about re-runs of the Lawrence Welk show. I do prefer following the globalists who didn’t make the big time and now vent truth and deep politics in newly emerging conventions. The “CT” crowd is normally years ahead of what the Lindsay Lohan commerical media network “covers”.
Good luck with “The DC Gossip.” Go get ’em!
I announced Coakley was getting an opponent three days before Jim McKenna’s announcement. I am better than the Globe. I know, that’s not saying much. But you gotta admit, I’m good!
without attributing. It’s like they think that because it’s on a blog, they don’t have to attribute. It’s actually ironic — while the media cries about low journalistic standards from the blogosphere, they loooove to steal things from them. Including me, once or twice…