More good news for the MA economy (which is also coincidentally good news for Deval Patrick and bad news for Charlie Baker):
The Associated Industries of Massachusetts Business Confidence Index rose 2.2 points in June to 53.7, the business advocacy group reported Tuesday. A score of 50 is neutral.
“Massachusetts employers report that current business conditions are now mildly favorable, and they are optimistic though not exuberant about continued improvement,” Raymond G. Torto, global chief economist at CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. and chairman of AIM’s Board of Economic Advisors said in a prepared statement. “They see Massachusetts business conditions keeping pace with or surpassing national conditions, in contrast to the experience in the recovery phase of recent past cycles,” he added.
Bear in mind: this is Associated Industries of Massachusetts, which historically is no great friend of the lefties. Also of interest:
“The long-term trend is more meaningful than month-to-month changes, but tells the same story” Torto noted.
That is, the same story of slowly but steadily improving numbers that continue to out-perform the rest of the country.
What’s Baker going to do, even AIM can’t dodge reality.
p>Massachusetts is out performing the country under Deval Patrick. Business confidence in MA outpaces the rest of the country.
p>Charlie better start dropping another couple million in ads.
Associated Industries of Massachusetts, though certainly having a particular perspective on issues, is a non-partisan organization. Ray Torto, the chair of the AIM Board of Economic Advisors quoted here, is a Democrat.
I didn’t mean to suggest that AIM is partisan. My point was that they are generally advocates of a laissez-faire economic and regulatory policy that is not always associated with Democrats.