You can be the founder of the “Differently-winged BMGers for Deval” group! đŸ™‚
I’m a fan of embellishing the truth or that kind of tomfoolery or the next guy, but the campaign’s message on jobs is showing either a total disregard for the truth or a scary kind of ignorance. The way he took pay raises like it was going out of style while premiums were skyrocketing bothers me a lot, and there’s just a lot of little things about him that bother me. Oh, and then there’s his LG choice.
p>Don’t get me wrong, I’m no DP fan. Between Marion Walsh and his idea about tracking devices in all cars to track miles make he have serious reservations about him, but his management of the State, given the do-whatever-it-wants lege and people who would rather re-enact the trail of tears before cutting pensions, hasn’t been this catastrophic mess.
after being financially forced out of the one I have lived in for 55 years.
I mean, you can’t expect to make a living when you aren’t living in the state of reality.
p>Welcome to Earth. Clay Buccholz and Josh Beckett are back this week. Would you like to watch some baseball?
More and more I talk to people that see both the left and right wings fluttering us to a place we shouldn’t go. A right wing president is replaced by a left wing president and the impetus of government remains the same. The cheerleader party apparatchiks and sycophants that once bemoaned the right wing now cheer the left wing. Is there something more important than party affiliation?
p>Should a political party fill the needs of its people or a set of powerful, wealthy individuals? My party did the former once.
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.
The first is freedom of speech and expression–everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way–everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want–which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants–everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear–which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor–anywhere in the world.
That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.
– Franklin D. Roosevelt, excerpted from the State of the Union Address to the Congress, January 6, 1941
to the Cape. Can’t afford a cottage this year so we’re renting a hotel room for 3 nights. Rented it back in February so we got a seriously discounted price. We will eat cereal for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch, and dine out all three nights. Fried haddock and scallops – yum! Can’t wait for that windswept sunburnt feeling (no really, I’ve got to be more careful this year). The candy store, yes! The only place in the world where you can get those little paper tasting flying saucers with candy beads in them. They are gross but I have to buy 2 and eat them just for nostalgia’s sake. And a nice big chunk of chocolate fudge – must do it.
p>Can’t wait to ride the waves on Coast Guard beach during the day, and then pretend to surf-cast on Nauset beach at dusk. Someday I will catch something. I would absolutely freak out if I did. So much fun and I just can’t wait.
Flying saucers, bit-o-honey, Sugar Daddys and a Mallo Cup. Choc fudge yes, but the blueberry is pretty good too. Try ice cream at the L’il Caboose on 28 in Yarmouth, cheaper than many places down there.
p>Enjoy your time and CG beach!
I’ll have to look for them. They are one of my favorites. We go to Candy Co. on Rte 28 in South Yarmouth. It’s a once a year tradition.
No kidding about the price of an ice-cream cone. $3.50 for a single small scoop (at least that’s what it was 2 years ago). It adds up when you’re buying for 4. We usually avoid the ice cream parlors. It’s much more cost-effective to give the kids $2 apiece and let them storm the candy store. Plus they enjoy it. We aren’t big on buying candy generally speaking, so it’s a real treat.
Gotta be happy about that.
It’s based on the book ‘Prince of Thieves’. If you haven’t read it, it’s a good summer read.
p>I’m also waiting impatiently for this season of ‘Dexter’.
Bumming around in Chicago trying to find work is starting to get tedious, Mad Men will surely be a great escape from that.
I’ve been meaning to let my BMG friends know the news in my life. I am now semi-retired. The next question people always ask is was it voluntary. Yes, my husband and I decided that it made sense for us at this time. I will be working two days per week at my paid job.
p>I am spending the rest of my time volunteering on campaigns. People told me that once I retired I would be busier than ever! They were so right.
Retired really means, retired from your paid life. It means full time at your other life. đŸ™‚ But we always knew that!
Hi old friends, long time no blog!
p>The news over here in WA is that 2 big-B bigots on the state supreme court are up for reelection this year, and we’ve got fair-minded replacements lined up. I’m not hot on the idea of electing judges, but since the system is set up this way you better believe we’re doing our best to help those two retire. To learn how the two incumbents earned our ire, click over here. But here’s a taste – in their separate, meaner opinion (concurring on the judgment only) on the challenge to WA’s DOMA, they chose to put scare quotes around the word marriage when referring to same-sex marriage. Here’s a screen capture:
p>Other than that, looking forward to a hike on Mt. Rainier with wife and cousins later this week. Family, sun, glaciers and hummingbirds – what could be better?!
You can be the founder of the “Differently-winged BMGers for Deval” group! đŸ™‚
I’m a fan of embellishing the truth or that kind of tomfoolery or the next guy, but the campaign’s message on jobs is showing either a total disregard for the truth or a scary kind of ignorance. The way he took pay raises like it was going out of style while premiums were skyrocketing bothers me a lot, and there’s just a lot of little things about him that bother me. Oh, and then there’s his LG choice.
p>Don’t get me wrong, I’m no DP fan. Between Marion Walsh and his idea about tracking devices in all cars to track miles make he have serious reservations about him, but his management of the State, given the do-whatever-it-wants lege and people who would rather re-enact the trail of tears before cutting pensions, hasn’t been this catastrophic mess.
after being financially forced out of the one I have lived in for 55 years.
I mean, you can’t expect to make a living when you aren’t living in the state of reality.
p>Welcome to Earth. Clay Buccholz and Josh Beckett are back this week. Would you like to watch some baseball?
and kneaded the ground beef in french’s friend onions before grilling them?
Instead of letting people’s votes count, we should let their Counts vote.
But first they have to vote in their Counts, and then we have to count their votes.
90% of them are from our differently-winged friends.
p>I think you need to change your blog’s name. đŸ™‚
to french’s friend onions in ground beef?
Nah… Stick with BMG.
p>Out in Sacramento, CA. Hot place during the summer, yes hotter than good old MA.
More and more I talk to people that see both the left and right wings fluttering us to a place we shouldn’t go. A right wing president is replaced by a left wing president and the impetus of government remains the same. The cheerleader party apparatchiks and sycophants that once bemoaned the right wing now cheer the left wing. Is there something more important than party affiliation?
p>Should a political party fill the needs of its people or a set of powerful, wealthy individuals? My party did the former once.
to the Cape. Can’t afford a cottage this year so we’re renting a hotel room for 3 nights. Rented it back in February so we got a seriously discounted price. We will eat cereal for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch, and dine out all three nights. Fried haddock and scallops – yum! Can’t wait for that windswept sunburnt feeling (no really, I’ve got to be more careful this year). The candy store, yes! The only place in the world where you can get those little paper tasting flying saucers with candy beads in them. They are gross but I have to buy 2 and eat them just for nostalgia’s sake. And a nice big chunk of chocolate fudge – must do it.
p>Can’t wait to ride the waves on Coast Guard beach during the day, and then pretend to surf-cast on Nauset beach at dusk. Someday I will catch something. I would absolutely freak out if I did. So much fun and I just can’t wait.
Flying saucers, bit-o-honey, Sugar Daddys and a Mallo Cup. Choc fudge yes, but the blueberry is pretty good too. Try ice cream at the L’il Caboose on 28 in Yarmouth, cheaper than many places down there.
p>Enjoy your time and CG beach!
I’ll have to look for them. They are one of my favorites. We go to Candy Co. on Rte 28 in South Yarmouth. It’s a once a year tradition.
No kidding about the price of an ice-cream cone. $3.50 for a single small scoop (at least that’s what it was 2 years ago). It adds up when you’re buying for 4. We usually avoid the ice cream parlors. It’s much more cost-effective to give the kids $2 apiece and let them storm the candy store. Plus they enjoy it. We aren’t big on buying candy generally speaking, so it’s a real treat.
Gotta be happy about that.
It’s based on the book ‘Prince of Thieves’. If you haven’t read it, it’s a good summer read.
p>I’m also waiting impatiently for this season of ‘Dexter’.
Bumming around in Chicago trying to find work is starting to get tedious, Mad Men will surely be a great escape from that.
I’ve been meaning to let my BMG friends know the news in my life. I am now semi-retired. The next question people always ask is was it voluntary. Yes, my husband and I decided that it made sense for us at this time. I will be working two days per week at my paid job.
p>I am spending the rest of my time volunteering on campaigns. People told me that once I retired I would be busier than ever! They were so right.
Retired really means, retired from your paid life. It means full time at your other life. đŸ™‚ But we always knew that!
Hi old friends, long time no blog!
p>The news over here in WA is that 2 big-B bigots on the state supreme court are up for reelection this year, and we’ve got fair-minded replacements lined up. I’m not hot on the idea of electing judges, but since the system is set up this way you better believe we’re doing our best to help those two retire. To learn how the two incumbents earned our ire, click over here. But here’s a taste – in their separate, meaner opinion (concurring on the judgment only) on the challenge to WA’s DOMA, they chose to put scare quotes around the word marriage when referring to same-sex marriage. Here’s a screen capture:
p>Other than that, looking forward to a hike on Mt. Rainier with wife and cousins later this week. Family, sun, glaciers and hummingbirds – what could be better?!