Following up on earlier posting…GREAT NEWS! H4560 which will finally give Salem State College the UNIVERSITY status it deserves WAS REPORTED OUT TODAY and PASSED THE HOUSE BY A VERY WIDE MARGIN!! NOW ON TO THE SENATE!!! Hats off to the legislators who stood with families looking for quality public higher ed. options! CALL YOUR SENATOR NOW…Time is running out on the Session..We can make this happen! Spread the word.
A decade waiting, working, planning…the possibilities are endless..but, we are still just one more vote away! Please spread the word to all SSC alumni you know across the state…call your Senator and ask your friends to call theirs and secure the vote! And reward them at the polls in November for their support!
This bill also gives university status to our Worcester State and Bridgewater State friends among several others. Please pass this info on to them as well. If we want to compete in a world marketplace, we must raise the bar and expand possibilities for our public higher ed institutions. Salem State is READY!
still got four steps in Senate and if not a word is changed (avoiding conference committee) then it goes back to the House to be enacted then back to the Senate to be enacted and then to the Governor’s office. He has 10 days to sign it, amend it or veto it.
I think the Senate support is there judging by the strong House vote. Hopefully, it will move quickly. I think many legislators have figured out that it is a win-win-win bill given the diaspora of alumni spread across the state and the fact that it is the right election year thing to do. The Governor and Lt. Governor are supportive, so we just have to push really hard in the Senate and get it to their desk!
I went to good ole FU!