Here is a non-exhaustive but personal wish list for what I think would revive the economy and enhance economic recovery:
1. Restoring emergency unemployment extensions; they don’t buy, we self employed types don’t eat. Wonderful song about this
2. Taking a look at serious “job protection against outsourcing” (destroying jobs should cost the firms who outsource big time) as well as job creation (by becoming eligible for more government contracts if you create jobs or at least getting a preference, maybe, no more tax incentives), and
3. A serious examination of jobs for returning veterans, who have an unacceptable level of unemployment; and
4. A “buy American first” incentive for items made in the USA (different tax rate for items made 100% out of the country to eliminate the impact of ‘dumping’ below costs goods to destroy whole industries here in the USA); and
5. Bring back Railroads as the least expensive & “greenest” way to move goods and raw materials and people around in this huge country of ours – Canada and even Mexico leave us gasping in truck fumes and high transport costs.
I may sound old fashioned, but supporting and protecting railroads & manufacturing in this country was part of the post-civil war prosperity that Abe Lincoln understood & that FDR understood, and that that built the foundation for a competitive USA economy.
I just want to let you know, I wrote and passed a by-law mandating the Town of Dartmouth must buy flags ONLY made in the U.S.A. This includes the town flag,P.O.W flags, US flags and state flags.
p>We can all do our part if every town in the Commonwealth passed a similar by-law. Although most towns already purchase “Made in USA” flags. It would be more of a statement of our solidarity to our manufacturing base and a statement to our elected officials that we stand by American workers.
p>When I win the State Rep. seat this September and November, I will work on bills that protect American manufacturing here in the Commonwealth.
p>This is my FIRST priority. I hope others in BMG will follow suit. Help me win this September and November.
I love #5, but would also love sensible public transportation funded by the gas tax (as in Europe). It’s convenient, runs frequently and you don’t have to fight traffic.
Thanks – but sensive, inexpensive, public, intercity transportation is TRAINS.