After the recent failure of global warming legislation in Congress, what do you think will be needed to revive similar national action?
I think it’s clear we are going to have to have a movement. [this is why we all should go to his talk tomorrow!!!]
The easy way to do it would have been to have the Senate look at the data at what is happening around the world. That proved impossible because the fossil fuel industry is too powerful.
The only way to compete with them is not with money, but another currency: bodies, spirit, and creativity. That’s what we are trying to do at with others around the world.
Has this year been frustrating for environmentalists?
I think it’s been a frustrating year. The failure of the Senate to act at all and the failure of the Copenhagen Conference showed that nationally we aren’t on track at all.
Why do you think people remain skeptical of global warming?
I have seen that two-thirds of Americans see global warming is true and humans are the cause. An ideological campaign funded by the fossil fuel industry has succeeded in making this a partisan football game that we see with so many issues now.
Bill McKibben vs the Kochtopus *TONIGHT*
Please share widely!
I saw a guy with a video camera, so I’m sure it’ll arrive on the internet at some point.
p>Here’s a link to the Lexington Minuteman article:…