For 34 years, I’ve lived, worked, and raised three daughters in the 10th Congressional District. I’ve been a county commissioner, professor, and State Senator for the Cape and Islands, and I know these are tough times. But we will recover – I’ve seen us do it before, and I know we can do it again.
I’ve been a leader on education reform, environmental issues, and supporting our small businesses. I’ve championed investments in renewable energy, created better opportunities for students, parents and schools, and provided better services for our small businesses.
Our budget deficit represents our biggest challenge when we look to make sound investments in our future. That’s why I’m the only candidate calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan. After spending nine years and 300 billion dollars, it’s time to end this war, bring our troops home and focus on creating good American jobs that can’t be shipped overseas.
I’m also for letting the Bush tax cuts to families making over $250,000 a year expire. These choices will save hundreds of billions of dollars that can be used to cut the deficit, protect Social Security and Medicare for seniors, invest in green jobs and education and set this Commonwealth and this nation on the path to success.
We need to send someone to Washington who knows the people of the 10th, knows our towns, and knows how to get things done – someone who will make sure Washington’s policies reflect the right priorities: creating jobs, protecting the environment, and investing in our children’s education. That’s my record, that’s why I’m running for Congress and that’s why I’m asking for your vote.
To learn more about our grassroots campaign and join our cause, visit our website at or email me at
Sen. O’Leary is distorting the facts and I expect better from someone aspiring to be our next Congressman. As the quotes from the article below illustrates, O’Leary is NOT the only candidate calling for a quick withdrawal from Afghanistan. He should take down this ad or correct it.
p>Barnstable Register, July 27, 2010
p>”I believe we should end that war sooner rather than later,” said O’Leary. “Frankly, we need to refocus those resources back here.”
p>Keating agreed, but recognized the good work the men and women in the military have done thus far. He explained that the war was originally meant as a counter-insurgency, and that the military should pull out of Afghanistan by July 2011, or even sooner.
I am in District 9 so I know very little of these campaigns.
p>That being said, I checked and could not find a single reference to either the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. I did find references at O’Leary’s site.
p>Your indignation would be better spent getting your candidate to go on record on his website, then to simply paraphrasing something he may or may not have said, at some unknown location at some unknown time as though it was somehow “gospel”. Even your paraphrasing is hardly “raw meat” to those of us looking to end the wars.
This was said on the “record” at the Plymouth Debate– here is the link…
p>Please do your homework before you start making accusations–If you would like I could most likely hunt down a video clip for you also……
p>And for the record I am supporting Bill Keating.
I checked both websites. Your expectation that I research every website on the Cape is completely unrealistic, and as I said, as someone who wants the wars to end, I still find you paraphrasing of Keating’s comments underwhelming.
I don’t live in your district, but you are clearly the most liberal candidate seeking this office. I hope you become Massachusetts’ next Congressman.
O’Leary indicated he was likely to become a member of the “Blue Dog” caucus……
that internet priorty function of classifying meaningful bandwidth limited to three second video feeds vs the lamestream Verizon priority channels of the color of Lindsay Lohan’s underware today.
Glad to see a potential Congressman waking up to the fact that this war has been a waste of time, money, and resources and its time to pull the plug on both. The terrorists wanted us to waste our money and time fighting them, they wanted us to curtail freedom at home and bog ourselves down in an endless war. This war is undeclared, endless, and will result in the continued suppression of our civil liberties and a tremendous waste of resources and human life. A small footprint of a few thousand special forces should do the trick to kill Bin Laden, focus on that one mission, who cares about propping up an illegitimate government or the Taliban, they are not in American interests.
For all the GOP talk about deficit reduction, they ignore two expensive overseas wars that are bankrupting the country. According to the Republican mantra, we can’t touch the tax cuts for the rich or stop funding the never-ending wars, but we must vote against healthcare, clean energy, unemployment extensions and job stimulus bills because they will increase the deficit.
p>It’s refreshing to have a candidate who clearly states that the wars are taking a huge toll on our economic health and on the lives of our soldiers and their families . . . and who does so in his speeches, his ads, and on his website.
A couple years ago I voted for a guy that spoke of exit from the wars. “…And you can take that to the bank!” FDIC must have closed that bank.
p>Promises written on the wind have no weight.
p>“Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day” –German Proverb
Unfortunately, O’Leary has bought into the Republican myth that we need to balance the Federal budget by taking away Social Security benefits. He and the other 10th district GOP candidates are in favor of raising the Social Security retirement age.
means FEWER jobs for younger people trying to raise their families and pay off their mortgages.