Now for today’s challenge. Let’s give you two quotes:
On Wednesday, one state rep criticized Governor Patrick for returning the casino bill to the Legislature, and following through with a promise made to the voters. Imagine the gaul in the Governor for telling the public what he wanted, then following up on those words.
This Rep said the Governor’s words were “over the top” and “It’s very disingenuous for him to go out and say the ball’s in [the legislature’s] court”
Ok, well here is a different quote from the same Rep:
“I don’t like the idea of letting the private sector open casinos here. Once you let gambling out of the state’s control, you can’t bring it back”
So who is this candid and consistent Rep?
And please answer in the correct form
A) The Rep
B) The Year the quote is given (in this case, only the second quote)
C) The Rep’s vote in the year of the quote on casinos (pro/against)
D) The Rep’s vote on casinos in the other legislative session (pro/against)