Remember health care? Back in the day, passage of the health care bill dominated Blue Mass Group. Many of us excoriated Rep. Stephen Lynch for voting against the final health care bill on disingenous grounds. I live in his district, and I wrote Rep. Lynch before the vote to tell him that in my view it was the most important vote he would take in this Congress and that I would not vote for him again if he opposed it.
Well, that was months ago, and since then, lots of other issues have taken our attention: war funding, the financial overhaul bill, the climate bill, education funding–you name it. It’s difficult to think back to the health care debate and how strongly we felt about it.
But I think it’s important to remember the promises we made to our Representatives. So Stephen Lynch, if you’re reading this: I know months have passed, and tempers have cooled, and people have forgotten your flip-flop, but I intend to keep my promise and not to vote for you in the primary or in the general election.