Nice exmple Tom is setting for young drivers, eh? He just can’t resist looking at the camera – eyes on the road much? And around 1:20 he gets a text message, and he can’t resist glancing at his phone either – who thinks he answered the text when he was off camera but still driving?
Here’s a web site from the National Transportation Safety Board detailing what they’re doing about distracted drivers:
Tom may want to stop by that site and get a few pointers!
Please share widely!
Actually, I had no idea that Tom was doing so well that you’d be this worried!
Would you want your kid doing this while driving? Would you want your candidate posting idiocy like this to his web site?
*Eliot Spitzer sleeps with a prostitute: he resigns
p>*David Vitter sleeps with a prostitute and wears diapers: he’s still serving in the Senate.
p>*Democrat jokes about Sarah Palin going down in a plane crash (extremely tasteless): he resigns (and I agree that he should have-I don’t want idiots like that in my party).
p>*Republicans make not so veiled death threats against Democratic Presidents (Clinton, Obama): still in office, not fired, and encouraged by the Party.
p>Curious how getting a blow-job in the White House from an intern fits into your schematic ?
p>Perhaps Clinton briefly became a Republican.
…but not for lack of trying on the part of the GOP, many of whom were licking their chops for a chance to finally get Clinton. So yes, Democrat gets penalized, fitting the pattern.
They make the laws, they don’t have to obey them. Just for starters: Galluccio, Rodriguez, Kujawski. You don’t want me to continue. Marzilli, DiMasi, Finneran, Flaherty… ok, I’ll stop for now.
Democrats pale in comparison to Republicans when it comes to sexual deviancy and corruption. It figures you’d bring up Gallucio, but probably give Amorello a free pass.
p>Larry Craig, Duke Cunningham, David Vitter, Ted Stevens (RIP), Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Bernie Kerik, etc etc etc
Kathy left out the appropriate DEMOCRATIC webite:
p>We have enough crooked and perverted democrats in Massachusetts! I don’t need to look nationally.
Your site lists 8 Democrats, including Clinton and several others who didn’t actually break any laws, while Kathy’s site lists page after page of Republican reprobates. Nice try, but you lose.
The ‘Newsweek’ national news magazine tried to do an ANALYSIS
p>Talking Points, et al, try to sensationalize rather than analyze. Or use ‘legal’ arguments, like Studds didn’t actually BREAK the law when he got the teenager drunk, because DC has a lower age of consent.
p>Both sides have problems. I WAS interested to read that only one WOMAN was caught in a scandal – not sure if that’s a glass ceiling thing, and they haven’t gotten their chances, or a different values thing.
…but there’s no corresponding list of Democrats like the list of Republicans you’ll find at http://www.republicansexoffend… – go ahead, show me a comparable list of degenerates and child molesters who are all Democrats. You can’t – it doesn’t exist.
p>And we’ve come way off topic – you failed to address my question above, PP: would you want your teenager making videos while driving?
Was in-state. With all the democratic felons in MA, there is no need to go out of state.
Barney Frank is the only one on that list from MA
I’m content to accept the national magazine with no axe to grind, and I frankly don’t care enough about the sex lives of Democrats to compile one myself…you slaver over your list if it makes you feel better, somehow.
p>Even my youngest is in his late 20’s; I’m only glad the technology didn’t exist when they were teens. They DID spend what I thought was an inordinate amount of time fooling around with mix CD’s while driving, but that was the closest they came.
If they did, Democrats would win every time. The fact is, yours is the party that runs on the moralizing, “family values” platform while, by your own admission, you’re no better or worse than Democrats when it comes to marital infidelity. The list at shows the complete and utter hypocrisy of the family values types, and the reason the GOP hasn’t put together a similar list of Dems is because it doesn’t exist. Now go ahead and defend noted molester-enabler and family values hypocrite Jeff Perry again!
p>And while it’s nice that your kids are grown, they, or you, or anyone else can still be killed in a crash with an inattentive driver. Tom Wesley should know better than to do this at all, but to post it publicly on his web site? I’ll let one of my poll answers speak to that…
I don’t understand how this works for your generally secular fiscal conservative, but the view of social conservatives is remarkably asymmetric.
p>To them, preaching the word of God and pushing His plans for us all constitute a social good. For mere imperfect mortals, obedience to God’s ways is difficult with the Devil everywhere offering the temptation of sin. Thus, not only might social conservatives sin, but one expects them to. What we liberals might regard as hypocritical, social conservatives regard as redemptive.
p>Of course when someone not of their tribe, like Spitzer, launders money, cheats on his wife, and spends enormous money on sex, that’s just a sign of liberal depravity.
Liberals think “Practice what you preach”. Those guys think “Practice what you preach but, if you can’t, at least preach.”
Is not a kid. But I have expressed my concerns to him about doing this. REPEAL RICHIE NEAL!