MoveOn is endorsing Mac D’Alessandro for Congress! Tomorrow, Tuesday at noon, local MoveOn members will gather on the Boston common for a Mac D’Alessandro endorsement rally (click to RSVP and contact the organizers).
“For those of you who have not been folliowing this race, I want to tell you that this is the most important race in the country, in the fight not just for more Democrats, but for better ones.”
Last week, I went to a house party for Mac D’Alessandro at a supporter’s home in Boston, where Mac spoke to neighbors and friends gathered in her living room, and then answered questions for more than an hour.
I shot this video of Mac’s opening speech to the people assembled there:
Join us tomorrow on the Boston Common at noon, and see Mac speak in person.
“… we are joined together in this fight against Stephen Lynch, not just to win a Congressional seat in the Massachusetts 9th, but really, to win back the soul of the Democratic party on behalf of workers, and consumers, and families and communities.”
This might be the most important single Democratic Primary at the Congressional level. I have been one of the few people on this site willing to defend the big tent, bring the blue dogs in, philsophy of Speaker Pelosi. At the national level if you want to be competitive in red and swing states as a party there is no choice. But Massachusetts does have a choice. Nate Silver listed Lynch as having the highest conservative voting record to liberal district ratio, this means he is drastically out of touch with his constituents, particularly the ones past L Street. Mac is a committed reformer, a committed progressive, and a Washington outsider who will bring a fresh perspective to Congress. Also it would be nice to see some diversity in our delegation, particularly in the district that covers South Boston. I can’t think of a better candidate to take on Lynch, and I am confident this is a primary fight progressives can win. Voting against health care reform disqualifies you as a Democrat in my book, in Ted Kennedy’s book, in JFK, LBJ, FDR’s and Harry Truman’s book too. It is time we had sensible and compassionate leadership in the 9th in the tradition of Joe Moakley. There was a time when Lynch stood up for those values, but he has since sold out on them and its time for a change.
I know I am repeating myself, but should we bring homemade signs to this, or are the lawnsigns far enough along that professional signs will be distributed?
I don’t actually know if the lawn signs have been delivered to the campaign yet (as of when I last was at the office, for canvassing last weekend, they didn’t have them yet, but were expecting them soon). However, even if there are professional printed signs, it’s always great to have some handmade signs IMO.
I don’t know if you have a count of people attending but it was easily 3 to 4 times as many people as I expected. Excellent job everyone.
glad to hear the report.
Lynch must be getting scared
I gave the campaign my video of Mac’s speech, you can view it here:…
p>Sorry the first few seconds are so shaky.