Then State Senator Brown also spoke at Brad Marston's campaign kick off last November.
As reported by Brad Marston is one of only four state representative candidates that Senator Brown is campaigning for.
When Representative Walz was interviewed in April about Marston's campaign on WCVB-TV's Chronicle she said that “[H]is support will come from outside the district.”
Well she was right.
He's from Wrentham…and he drives a truck.
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You mean I could see SCOTT BROWN in person? OH MY GOD!!!
It’s Senator Brown campaigns for Brad Marston.
p>We have a Young Professional rate of $50 per person/$75 per couple. If you want to come on the cheap, e-mail and we’ll give you press credentials.
p>Thanks so much for the interest.
my buttocks. They’re too cheap!
Supporting a teabagger nonethelees. Don’t try to hide it, Brad. You know where your sympathies lie. Too bad Marty Walz will wipe the floor with you. Is it true that you created fake Marty Walz accounts on Twitter? How wingnutty of you! Always taking the low road!
my support for individual liberty, personal responsibility and smaller, more open government.
p>No. It is not true that I created fake Marty Walz accounts on Twitter. We have been very clear on that.
p>I have contrasted what Representative claims to support with what she votes to support. I have then contrasted how she votes with how I would vote.
p>I don’t think pointing out an incumbent’s record is “taking the low road.”
That may be the case. She apparently is not as confident. I am pleased that she has agreed to debate me at local community forums. Unfortunately none of the venues can accommodate more than a few dozen people.
p>I have agreed to debate in those forums and on Boston Neighborhood Network, Cambridge Community Television as well as local radio shows. So far, Representative Walz has refused.
p>I understand why. She is being no more political in refusing broadcast debates than I am in asking for them. Broadcast debates which could be seen by hundreds if not thousands of people brings attention to my campaign. That is not something an entrenched incumbent wants.
p>I will say here and now that if I am fortunate enough to be the choice of the people of the Eighth Suffolk in 2010 I will agree to at least 4 broadcast debates with my Democratic challenger in 2012.
To our modern conservative, the content of our Constitution is defined by Glenn Beck’s claims and Sarah Palin’s tweets.
p>Hamilton and Madison?
p>Who are they?
Patrick Henry.
in that Henry wasn’t always the Constitution’s biggest fan.
When the right starts to embrace the Articles of Confederation as superior to the Constitution, well, it’s crazy time.
The G.O.P. is still reeling from the damage George W. Bush did to their Party. Many of them really don’t know which end is up right now: love the U.S. and its government or hate it, embrace our democratic system or deny it. Republicans in predominantly blue states have been put in an especially tough position by the national Party’s doubling down on the Southern Strategy and embrace of every extremist group from the teabaggers to the birthers to the tax rebels. So cut PP a break, the worthy commenter is doing the best he can with what he has to work with.
… Bush himself cared about the southern strategy. This is really the whirlwind reaped by Rove and Atwater. The leadership has lost control of it now, but there it is.
And don’t forget Reagan’s contribution when running for President.
p>You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You mate with them, well, you end up with the modern GOP.
Ignore all Amendments but the 2nd and 10th.
p>Embrace the First Amendment when you’re comparing a President to Hitler, but not when it applies to building a mosque near the former site of the WTC.
p>Talk about sticking to it’s original intent, then fruitlessly about changing it when it applies to the rights of immigrants.