Voters deserve the chance to hear each of us make our case, side by side, for why we should be the one to represent the 9th Congressional District.
I’m proud of my record of fighting for working families and advocating for affordable, accessible health care, and I’m ready to defend that record and present my ideas for creating jobs and getting our economy moving again.
Unfortunately, it seems that Congressman Lynch is less willing to stand up and defend his record in formal debate.
Does he not want to talk about his vote against health care for tens of millions of Americans?
Does he not want to defend his vote against the largest small business health care tax cut in history?
Does he not want to debate his vote against banning insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions?
In 2001, Lynch and the other candidates for Congress debated a whopping 29 times. It seems like we should at LEAST be able to manage to debate 4 times this year.
I've said I'm willing to debate anywhere, anytime. Congressman Lynch, what will it be?
The incumbent already has name recognition. They know that a debate is free advertising for the challenger. If they can duck the debate and neutralize the challenger they win. If they have a debate and the challenger does so much as tie then its bad for the incumbent.
p>Of course its a cynical ploy. For a healthy Democracy voters need forums to compare candidates. Its shameful when an incumbent – Lynch – refuses to debate a challenger – D’Alessandro.
p>Often the challenger is left to embarrass the incumbent into debating. I hope it doesn’t get to that. Lynch should show some backbone.
In general you’re on track, but look at the VA-05 Congressional election, where the incumbent, Periello, is demanding a debate and the challenger doesn’t want to. Sometimes it’s more a question of what the candidate has to hide, and in Lynch’s case that’s definitely a contributing factor.
p>That could be said of a very large number of Democratic incumbents this year.
All candidates should debate. The more the better. Not to do so, as others here point out, is quintessential political lameness and inadequacy. Bill Galvin, the “Prince of Darkness,” for example, has been systematically eviscerated many times on BMG for his refusal to debate. He could have a starring role as a victim in one of the Saw films for the grisly remains that have been left of him after those stomp sessions. It is an example of fear, weakness, and insecurity on the part of all incumbents who take this tack. In Lynch’s case, of course, it is true to form.
Not only should the Poll include an “All of the Above” choice, but other politically incorrect options should include:
p>1) Doesn’t want to demonstrate that he is a DINO.
2) Doesn’t want to debate his pandering for his eventual run against Scott Brown.
3) Doesn’t want to debate his pathetic “I will side with the Republicans on Health Care because the bill is not liberal enough” crap.
p>Given that Bill Clinton is supporting him, and that amounts to the support of zero registered voters, why should he demonstrate any concern for the registered voters in his district. There is nothing that Lynch could say at this point that would change my opposition to him.
p>The people calling on Lynch to debate are Mac supporters and as you have said, anything he says won’t change your mind. Without media or general public pressure, why would Lynch do anything Mac supporters want?
p>Lynch has been in Congress for 9 years. His vote on health care received massive media attention (more attention then his votes to extend unemployment benefits and in favor of $650 million in federal aid to MA have gotten). The voters know his positions, not his job to help Mac get attention.
Incumbents have by and large not debated challengers in either the primary or general elections unless put into a position where forced to do so by the press, constituents, or pressure applied by the challenger, usually good polling.
p>The tactic is not limited to Rep Lynch (Kennedy and Kerry have both been accused of doing as has Mayor Menino) nor just one party.
p>I would like to see a Mac v. Lynch debate. I don’t live in the 9th, but I think it would be informative to see the put their positions against each other. I also think the process is hurt by avoiding debates. Pols cannot complain that the electorate is not well informed and duck debates. SO keep up the pressure Mac as a debate here would help the voters in the 9th to make a more informed decision.