Dear Coalition for Massachusetts:
Re: the unflattering “report card” you’re delivering to Senator Scott Brown’s Boston office tomorrow.
When you get to his failing grade for voting against a $26 billion package of federal aid to states, including $655 million to Massachusetts, which passed the U.S. Senate last month despite his opposition,
remind him of the enthusiastic approval that State Senator Scott Brown gave four years ago to new state spending on local projects:
“I’ll do whatever I can to bring any money to my district,” said state Senator Scott Brown, a Wrentham Republican.
Brown said he would rather see the money go back to residents in the form of a tax cut, but using it for local projects is the next best thing.
“While I’m supportive of the tax rollback, this is the fallback position for me,” Brown said…
Brown said he supports the bills because they will help move projects forward in his district and boost the local economy. The creation of a recreational complex in Wrentham, for example, would put people to work, he said.