After the aborted meeting, CNN obtained emails detailing the kinky plan. O’Keefe apparently wrote “So, I’m going to seduce her, on camera, to use her for a video. This bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who comes on at five will get a taste of her own medicine, she’ll get seduced on camera and you’ll get to see the awkwardness and the aftermath”
I am not making any of this up.
Boudreau is not amused.
Please share widely!
go back, research, and report the entire story about O’Keefe’s scamming Congress into de-funding ACORN?
p>They could look here: and here:… to start.
p>The real ACORN scandal is the ease with which the media, Congress, and the public were fooled into believing that O’Keefe wore his outlandish outfits in the ACORN offices.
Why was CNN going to give this guy legitimacy by profiling him among young conservatives? Certainly there are young conservatives who do legitimate work.
p>What is “her own medicine” O’Keefe refers to?
O’Keefe was a hero to the Right for his hatchet job on ACORN. After this latest “caper,” it appears that his star is fading.
In O’Keefe’s mind, it appears that any honest questioning of the Right is a dirty trick, probably because of reality’s well-known liberal bias.
You wrote:
p>Sadly, there are an astonishing number of young men who interpret any civil exchange — especially if accompanied by smiles and friendly gestures — as “coming on”. Apparently Mr. O’Keefe has a problem with the fact that CNN (like most video broadcast players) has a bias towards physically attractive men and women for its on-screen talent.
p>It sounds sounds to me as though Mr. O’Keefe is perhaps not as happy in his personal relationships with women as he’d like to be.
According to the emails, it looks like O’Keefe and company’s master plan is to expose the supposed bias or deceitfulness of the “liberal media” by engaging in a deliberate campaign of lies and deceit.
However, as Bush would say: “Fool me once, shame on…you… can’t get fooled again.” Hopefully this charlatan’s 15 minutes have expired- I’m sorry I ever even heard of him.