A little on-line investigation shows that the website is put up by a “non” profit called The Public Notice
The principal is Gretchen Hamel. Ms Hamel was in trade negotiations (“free trade”of course”) during the Bush years, and who has a PR firm doing works for the Government of Columbia, not exactly a paragon of democracy.
Ms Hamel also works with the following PR firm:
Endeavor Global Strategies
Her co-principals are two big-time Republican campaign operatives, Sean Spicer and Nathan Imperiale.
“Public Notice” aims to sway public opinion to the right, via radio ads such as this and via Facebook and other social media. Just a heads’ up on this as one of the many “non-profits” being funded by undisclosed sources. The little videos feature a young man Clay Broga along with others, doing right-wing talkies in the manner of DFA’s Night School.
1-See: bankruptingamerica,then click on the “terms of use”.
2-See: Public Notice and go to right-hand bottom of the page
The telephone listed towards the end of each page, via reverse look-up, is that of a “John F. Scruggs.”
In SourceWatch, a “John F. Scruggs” is reported to be a big PR guy for the likes of Tobacco and the Republican Party.
An ironic twist concerns the firm responsible for organizing the website of “bankruptingamerica.com”
This firm was “NJI New Media”
–>see hostlogr.
On following the active link from “hostlogr” to NJI New Media, the “NJI New Media” page announces that “NJI Media Group” has “joined” with “New Media Communications”. But there is nothing clickable:
NJI New Media
The NJI New Media page is at the moment an empty or dead site.
Just for fun, google “New Media Communications” and up will come another SourceWatch listing:
New Media Communications
The head of “New Media Communications” WAS Mike Connell,
the GOP IT guy who worked the Ohio elections and then fell out of the sky in his private plane, silencing him permanently.
Such curious factoids.
—May I see your passport please-—