Charlie Baker appearing on WTKK’s Egan & Braude’s talk show this morning lied about his actions while he was the $1.7 millon dollar CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.
Baker said he made sure no one lost health coverage before Harvard Pilgrim pulled out of Rhode Island – LIE – and that everyone was paid before Harvard Pilgrim Health Care dumped Rhode Island –LIE.
As reported in yesterday’s Boston Globe expose on Charlie Baker’s tenure at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care many Harvard Pilgrim Health Care participants were left without coverage. In addtion, physicians who participated in Harvard Pilgrim Health in Rhode Island had to sue Charlie Baker and Harvard Pilgrim to get paid for their already performed medical services. It took those physician two years to get paid by Charlie Baker.
If Charlie Baker LIES about his actions at Harvard Pilgrim Health what can we expect if he is elected governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Obviously, Baker has no intrest in the common wealth. Do we want to elect a liar?