Baker also said he supports Republican Bill Hudak’s candidacy for Congress, though it took a lengthy line of questioning to draw it out of him.Is he supporting Hudak’s campaign?
“I certainly support the Republican ticket,” Baker said. “… I hope Mary Connaughton wins. I hope Karyn Polito wins. I hope Bill Campbell wins. I hope Brett Schetzsle wins.”
Does he hope Hudak wins?
“I’m supporting the ticket,” Baker said.
Is he supporting Hudak?
Just a quick reminder. As reported by David Bernstein at the Boston Phoenix, Bill Hudak has claimed that he has proof Preisdent Obama was born in Kenya, displayed a sign on his lawn in 2008 that depicted Barack Obama as Osama bin Laden, and has claimed that Obama is a Muslim.
What a pal! Might be time for someone to ask Charlie what he thinks about Bill Hudak’s extremist views.
Cross-posted over at Charlie Baker’s World and authorized by the Massachusetts Democratic Party