Local Drum and Bugle Corps organizations
Amateur radio operators
Ice Cream Trucks
Drive in movie theaters
A well rounded public education complete with extra-curricular activities
Full service gas stations with tire inflating air machines for free
The American dream of suburban homeownership
The 30 year marriage anniversary
Neighbors who mind their own business
Drivers who don’t give you the bird
Cashiers at stores
Calling a company and getting to talk to a real live person
Family traditions
Bank tellers being bank tellers and not Customer Service Representatives
Police with simple six shot revolvers
The town square and hardware store
The Joke shop
The town hospital
The several local farms
The tractor/farm impliment supply dealer
Riding bicycles without helmuts
Flattening nails and pennies on the train tracks
Church attendance-any religion
Santa Claus parades
Muscle cars
Custom vans
The CB radio
The Fuller Brush Man and Electrolux salesmen
ABC,CBS or NBC yup, only three to choose from
Dad’s being able to work for the same company all their lives
Mom’s being able to stay home
Home delivered milk
The doctor making a house call
Bazooka bubble gum
Penny candy
Baseball cards
Ah, yes those long forgotten times of old. Yes I did do total lamestream media avoidance yesterday, nine years after 911 and I am still currently involved in the deconstruction of my former suburban life due to psychopathic control freaks.
Well look here. Here it is in black and white. No matter that I spent 28 years providing below market rents.
With the exception of the 3 TV stations, all of those things are common where I live. My own 30th anniversay is only weeks away.
Horseman’s right about the disappearing single-income family, though. And cops with revolvers. I don’t think every town ever had its own hospital, unless it was a veterinarian, and those are still pretty common.
close to Boston.
that are common in Worcester County
De facto or de jure segregated water fountains
Bomb shelters for the start of WWIII
p>I hate progress, too.
Really? I’m not sure what suburb you are living in, but the one I live in still has these things or they can be found within 15 minutes or 10 miles.
p>This probably goes without saying, but I think you might want to come out of your basement more often and actually interact with the real world.