Why would a convicted violator point the finger at an innocent man? Ask Suzanne Bump. Arguing that someone has violated the rules after you have been admittedly convicted of taking lobbyist money only happens in the political world. Suzanne bump is arguing that she should be the woman who fixes the Auditors Office, an office that has imense power over government contracts. Really? Well the state of Massachusetts should only elect Ms. Bump if they want to see more pork projects and under the table handouts. We need to be asking what other lobbyist does she affiliate with other than William Sawyer, a known insurance lobbyist.
Bump, Suzanne M., Docket No. 485
I sure am not going to vote for a guy as Auditor who cannot correctly manage his campaign accounts.
p>In any case, I am sure not going to let any sock puppet tell me what questions I need to be asking.
Hey Johnny “Reason”, zeros are for comments that seriously violate the rules of the road, not for ones you just disagree with.
You have zero chance of getting any non partisan discussion from Johnny Reason, who is the Treasurer/Campaign Mgr for a far right House candidate. He specializes in lies, slander and not letting facts get in the way of a good argument.
Let’s go over it again…
20 years ago (not even murderers get that sentence)Suzanne Bump went to dinner with a lobbyist, paid a fine of $700, got embarrassed, and got on with her life!
When she ran for Auditor, SHE posted a link to the story on her campaign web site.
That’s called making a mistake, and being transparent about it.
Guy Glodis had ethic questions about the abuse and misuse of money not 20 years ago, but 2 years ago.
And what of Glodis and transparency??
See what Nelson Benson, editorial page editor of the CONSERVATIVE Salem Evening News wrote about Guy and his willingness to lie and obfiscate in August of 2010, not two decades ago..
Benton wrote in his August 27 political column:
..Meeting with editors in North Andover(the Lawerence Eagle Tribune chain) on Wednesday August 25, Democratic state auditor candidate Guy Glodis sought to downplay the flap over his having received a $20,000 “personal loan” via a childhood friend in the same month he donated a similar amount to his campaign. Glodis was running for his current job as Worcester County sheriff at the time.
p>”I must be the frontrunner, because they’re whacking me left and right,” Glodis said, suggesting that someone in the opposition had been dropping dimes.
p>He claims the matter was thoroughly reviewed by the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance, which found no cause for action.
p>Curiously, Glodis said he did not have a copy of the OCPF finding with him, but said it was on file. A quick search of the agency’s Web site revealed nothing on that case, but did turn up a February 2009 “public resolution letter” scolding the Glodis campaign for “the receipt of excess money order and corporate contributions and the deposit of individual contributions intended for your campaign into your personal account.”
Clearly Glodis never heard of Gary Hart!!
One is little OCPF crap. An accounting error made by the campaign treasurer. The other is an ETHICS violation. Huge difference.
Because Guy’s army of flying monkeys are whacking her left and right.
You registered today, just to say this? How kind of you. It’s time for Guy’s guys to stop creating accounts and attacking Suzanne Bump. Got anything good to say about Glodis?
Short and sweet and to the point.
p>Attention Editors –I thought there was a 24 hour cool down for new posters?
The Gloddite sock puppet goon squads accomplish little other than to make Gloddis look bad by association.
I have noticed that there is a pecking order regarding posting on this site; where can I find those rules and regulations so I don’t have to suffer the same “gang-tackle” as jlewis above? …cuz I know that pages like this were clearly created for a few candidate-mongers, if you will, to impose their subjective rules and perceptions on others, just for voicing their opinion and joining the conversation—not created to perpetuate free speech.
p>I know that Guy has done wonders for seniors in Auburn and other towns he represents; does sb even know where Central MA is? Maybe on a map, I suppose. Gotta go with guy…especially in light of her repeated weak attempts at mud-slinging, when it turns out that she, in fact, was the only one guilty of misappropriated funds.
p>Everyone has their candidate(s); I think that should be okay.
“Rep. Bump has argued that s.3 does not apply to meals given to
legislators. There is nothing in the legislative history regarding
s.3 or the language of s.3 to support that argument. In the
Commission’s view, s.3 applies to any form of entertainment,
including meals, given to any public official.”
He created an account for the pure purpose of slinging mud at a candidate. He has said absolutely nothing positive about anyone or anything. And you can bet we won’t hear anything out of him other than anti-Bump attacks.
p>Nevertheless, he gets to post here, and we get to respond to him. So what’s the problem?
p>BTW, nice attempt at trying to pin mud-slinging on Bump in a diary that does nothing other than to attack her.
p>Perhaps Gloddis has done great things for seniors in Central MA, but that means nothing to me when the guy is running for Auditor while showing an utter disdain for campaign finance rules and can’t even manage to pay his campaign taxes.
Let me quote WBUR analystDan Payne who said: “It happened two decades ago, and she was fined only $600. But Glodis is now trying to create moral equivalence between his ongoing violations and Bump’s onetime error.” http://www.wbur.org/2010/09/01…
The revelation that Guy’s campaign did not pay state or federal taxes on the interest earnings from CDs only adds to his recent woes. http://www.boston.com/news/loc…
p>Guy, time to own up that you need some good staff. Telling the Globe that you understand the IRS regulations better than all the other campaigns (and the IRS publications too) comes across as arrogant or naive or maybe both, but it sure shows that you need help with some of your internal workings at the campaign.
p>Suzanne Bump is not my choice for Auditor, I am going with the CPA in the field, but comparing her issue from 20 years ago to your current issues is not working. Time for a new strategy.