Updated – thanks for requesting some clarity, Bob!
Join us this Friday for phone banking for Richard Neal, Deval Patrick and Tim Murray and socializing afterward – otherwise known as Friday Phones and Fun! We’re meeting at the campaign office at 6:00 PM on Rt 140 in Milford:
Afonso Plaza
189 West St
Milford, MA 01757
508-318-VOTE (8683)
We’ll go until 8:00 PM or so, and then we’ll be gathering at the Turtle Tavern for socializing. Here’s that address:
Turtle Tavern
72 Main St.
Milford, MA 01757
See you there?
Please share widely!
Calls for who?
I updated the diary – and I also want people to know that the office will hold a grand opening celebration on Monday, 9/27 at 5:00 PM. Congressman Neal will be there, so come on down to have a meet and greet!
It was great seeing the gang at the Turtle Tavern last night. I wish I could join you in Milford, but I’ll be helping another candidate and then seeing family in Boston.
p>You could fix the title to say “Friday, Phones and Fun”. Definitely change to “and” – I always think of it with the comma, but I guess either way works!
Yeah, it was a great gathering at the Turtle on Wednesday – for those not in the know, my local chapter of Drinking Liberally celebrated its 3rd anniversary this past Wednesday, it was great fun! I think we had close to 40 people show up all told. The Turtle’s kitchen staff provided some great appetizers, and one of our members brought in some really great pastries he made himself – good times!
p>If you’re in the Milford area, come on down to the Turtle Tavern – we meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month at 6:30 PM, and we usually go until 9 or so. To be reminded when we have our meetings, you can sign up to our mailing list here: