The Globe recognizes Rob’s leadership on a number of key issues.
“O’Leary, an adjunct community college professor with a Ph.D. in history, has been a statewide leader in both higher-ed and K-12 policy. For the 10th District, which runs from the South Shore suburbs of Boston to Cape Cod, improving education is the key to attracting businesses and creating a diversified economy. For the state of Massachusetts, having a representative who could deliver immediate impact in those areas of core concern would be a boost.”
Land Management and Open Space Protection:
“On fast-growing Cape Cod, O’Leary has been a force for the smart-growth initiatives that helped attack sprawl and preserve open land, while allowing the Cape to flourish as a year-round community.”
Business Development and Small Business Leader:
“He is shrewd in identifying institutions like the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute as possible incubators of economic spin-offs and job creation. A member of the state Senate small-business committee, he is familiar with the needs of a district in which most jobs are in small businesses. “
A “Progressive” who’s built relationships with conservative voters:
“As the first Democrat to represent his state-Senate district in four decades, he’s won the confidence of relatively conservative voters for his progressive agenda.”
The Globe finished by praising O’Leary’s “energy and priorities”. This campaign couldn’t be prouder of Rob O’Leary – both for the many accomplishments he’s made as a State Sentaor, and for for the tenacity and courage he’s shown in standing up for ending the war in Afghanistan, bringing the troops home, and putting those resources into job creation.
Rob’s values are right for this district, and he’s proven over and over again that he knows how to have “immediate impact”. He gets things done.
Let’s seize the opportunity to send a leader like Rob to Congress – please spread the word today.
…such as yourself, will certainly take the wind out of a Globe endorsement.
p>What I can’t figure out is, given that the endorsement was made on Sept. 3rd, why wait until Sept. 7th to post on BMG?
p>And what is the reference to “only 11 days until the election” all about…that would make the election Friday September 17th! Heck of a job Brownie.
I am sorry Pogo… I was away for a few days. You know neither of us are allowed to post aboiut the 10th without having the other reply.
Too bad O’Leary has bought into the notion that the middle class should work even longer to pay for the excesses of the Republicans. He’s in favor raising the retirement age.
p>O’Leary, like the Republicans, is overly focused on deficit spending and not creating demand so that the US economy gets growing again. [With insufficient US consumer demand and exports, the ONLY major player who can generate economic demand is the US government.]
p>BTW, if Federal deficit spending today is so bad, why are long-term interest rates at historic lows? Apparently, the market has decided that Federal deficit spending today is NOT triggering inflation which would be reflected in long-term interest rates.
we love third person here on BMG.
p>seriously –
p>met o’leary, liked him. asked tough questions. good mix of willing to listen, but not easily swayed.