Guy Glodis to oversee state spending is like hiring Michael Moore to guard a buffet.
Maybe Guy is being 100% upfront with his pamphlet? Maybe it isn’t a typo but his actual viewpoint on the way he will implement the role of Auditor?
p>Has his campaign come out to say it was just a typo? I cannot find it, but may have missed it. If he hasn’t then one can assume that his pamphlet as distributed was accurate and reflects his feelings.
p>Hasn’t changed my position that Mary Z. is the best person for the job.
Or truth in advertising?
…I talked to someone on the Glodis campaign and they have an expert opinion from an English professor who advised them on the wording of the brochure. But my campaign source did me they are seeking a second opinion, as this English professor is apparently married to Glodis’ accountant.
…for Suzanne Bump.
…this small investment in a mailing will by him millions of dollars in free media…forget about the Globe, the Herald, or all the Boston talk radio wind bags…we’re talking Fox News, MSNBC, Leno, Letterman, Daily Show and Colbert…the Glodis campaign is playing Chess while we’re playing Checkers…
I am really enjoying watching you “raze” your own.
The audit also questioned a decades-old practice of providing staff at the Worcester Country Jail and House of Correction with free meals. It found $181,326 was spent on staff meals over a 14-month period, accounting for 12.6 percent of the jail’s $1.4 million food budget and cited state law that prohibits state agencies from providing food to employees at less than cost.
p>Now I’m sure supporters will spin this by saying it was a “decades old” practice… but Gloddis himself “defended” the practice saying…
Mr. Glodis defended the free meals saying it would be more costly to taxpayers to negotiate a change in the practice with unions than to eliminate it.
p>WIll this be his attitude as Auditor, “… well politicians being crooked is a “decades-old practice” so letting them continue to be crooked will be more costly…”
p>PS Has Gloddis ever held a job that wasn’t feeding off the public teat?
as Chuckles Baker’s political strategist.
Inquiring minds want to know — (or is it “enquiring mineds wont too no”?):
p>Did Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer reign over the other reindeer in the rain as well as the fog
p>was Santa forced to rein Rudolf in when Rudolf attempted to reign over the other reindeer when it wasn’t foggy but rainy??…
p>He does resemble Henry VIII a little bit.
The Glodis flying monkeys will be in here soon gibbering about what a crappy speller Bump is.
Oh please, oh please….
Guy Glodis to oversee state spending is like hiring Michael Moore to guard a buffet.
Maybe Guy is being 100% upfront with his pamphlet? Maybe it isn’t a typo but his actual viewpoint on the way he will implement the role of Auditor?
p>Has his campaign come out to say it was just a typo? I cannot find it, but may have missed it. If he hasn’t then one can assume that his pamphlet as distributed was accurate and reflects his feelings.
p>Hasn’t changed my position that Mary Z. is the best person for the job.
Or truth in advertising?
…I talked to someone on the Glodis campaign and they have an expert opinion from an English professor who advised them on the wording of the brochure. But my campaign source did me they are seeking a second opinion, as this English professor is apparently married to Glodis’ accountant.
…for Suzanne Bump.
…this small investment in a mailing will by him millions of dollars in free media…forget about the Globe, the Herald, or all the Boston talk radio wind bags…we’re talking Fox News, MSNBC, Leno, Letterman, Daily Show and Colbert…the Glodis campaign is playing Chess while we’re playing Checkers…
I am really enjoying watching you “raze” your own.
Next to his name. They own him. Are you inferring that all democrats do not walk on water?
From March 2010
p>Now I’m sure supporters will spin this by saying it was a “decades old” practice… but Gloddis himself “defended” the practice saying…
p>WIll this be his attitude as Auditor, “… well politicians being crooked is a “decades-old practice” so letting them continue to be crooked will be more costly…”
p>PS Has Gloddis ever held a job that wasn’t feeding off the public teat?
as Chuckles Baker’s political strategist.
Inquiring minds want to know — (or is it “enquiring mineds wont too no”?):
p>Did Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer reign over the other reindeer in the rain as well as the fog
p>was Santa forced to rein Rudolf in when Rudolf attempted to reign over the other reindeer when it wasn’t foggy but rainy??