He wants to replace the income tax with a national sales tax like Mike Huckabee: http://www.casdn.neu.edu/chron…
He supports welfare to work, and was very hesitant to come out in opposition to DOMA and DADT when asked by a conservative.
http://www.electmikelake.com/n… (in here somewhere, I don’t remember where exactly).
Worst of all in my book, he’s totally cool with immigrant witch hunts. He supports using the Auditor’s office to find out how many “illegals” have received government services from various agencies. http://www.electmikelake.com/n… (discussion starting at 28:30, his support for witch hunts at 31:00).
Please share widely!
Because those people are more likely to not pay certai taxes, and if they use services without paying taxes, it accounts for deficits. Sounds like something the auditor should be concerned about, among other things.
That’s too long to just link it and say “he supports this.” You’ve got to give a page number. If you do, I’ll gladly pass this forward to a few friends who are waffling between Lake and Bump who are very, very anti- sales-tax-replacing-the-income-tax.
Page 11.