Please take a minute to follow the link below to join the Vote NO on Question One group on FACEBOOK. This is a great way to get the message out to voters and share information about voting NO on Question 1.….
Question One on the ballot Nov. 2 asks voters to create a special tax exemption for alcohol at retail stores – and slash $110 million from a budget already facing a $2 billion deficit. It’s a reckless fiscal and public health policy measure that should be voted down.
If approved, Question 1 would change the state’s sales tax law to carve out a special exemption for alcohol sold at retail stores. The only items that are exempt from the state’s sales tax are basic necessities, like food, clothing and prescription medicines. Alcohol is not a basic necessity and doesn’t deserve a tax break.
This is going viral – 108 members already!
Thanks to everyone who has joined the facebook group. If you haven’t we’d love for you to join us!