I’m not going to belabor the point here. We alredy knew Bill Hudak is a conspiracy nut and birther who has defaced an image of the president to look like Osama bin Laden. But now it seems he’s just regular, run-of-the-mill, thinks-he’s-Napoleon crazy, too. Which is his right. But it calls into question the judgment of so-called “moderate Republicans” like Charlie Baker and Mary Connaughton, who have appeared at events with him despite his wild and irresponsible rhetoric.
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Hudak and Gibson: Seperated at birth
p>Anti-gay, anti-choice and 100% wacko!!
p>Worse still, this is the guy whose been attacking Tierney as having been not strong enough on Jews and Israel!!
p>Then he dresses up as America’s most famous anti-semite…
It’s not clear to me that “Brave Hudak” is an authorized page. It looks more than a tad satirical. Note, for example, that “religious views” are listed as “Papist.”
p>If there’s evidence that this page is the work of Hudak himself or his campaign, then this is a good find. Otherwise, though, it’s more likely than not a parody.
I don’t see any evidence that this page is made by Hudak.