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I’m not sure if this is true for everyone viewing BlueMassGroup but if you are like me the ad banners are bombarding you with Steve Lynch ads. His tag line is “In Times Like These We Need A Guy Like Him.”
Let’s just review what we are getting from Rep. Lynch in times like these:
1) Switched his vote on health care to a “no” at the last minute. Would not support a public option and when he switched vote incredulously claimed that he did so because the Senate Bill omitted a public option.
2) In a recent debate with primary challenger Mac D’Alessandro, stated that the Park51 Mosque should not be built in respect to “us.” Enough said.
3) Has consistently refused to put pressure on either the Bush or Obama to accelerate withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan.
Voted for original Patriot Act.
4) Is pro-life and voted for the Stupak Amendment.
5) It doesn’t have to be this way.
All this in a PVI D+11 district.
The primary is this Tuesday, September 14th and Lynch has a credible challenger in Mac D’Alessandro. Mac is the New England Political Director for SEIU and is running a strong campaign. But they could still use your help in the last couple days.
Please visit their website for contact information.
This race is not only important for those of us living in the district but for every House Democrat who is wondering if they made the wrong decision in voting for health care. This will send them a strong message that when they betray the party’s core principles Progressives will hold them accountable. This will pay enormous dividends for the tough votes coming in the future.