This video is a wake up call Moderates who are considering a GOP/Tea Party vote and to Dems who mamby-pamby the evil that the GOP represents. It is long, but worth every second to view.
Sometimes it takes a while to thoroughly explain an issue, and FOX News and its ilk have us all caught up in 30 second sound bytes that do no Justice to the substantive issues we face in America.
Enjoy the video from yesterday’s rally:……
“There will be no Arizona in Massachusetts!” echoed hundreds of revelers of all races, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds at the South End’s Titus Sparrow Park, the first major campaign rally for incumbent Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray.
To the folks I met today, the background on the heinous Immigration policies of New Hampshire vis a vis the nefarious relationship between Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and NH Senate Candidate Kelly Ayotte Ayotte is here.
Be sure to follow the excellent work of Arizona New Times’ writer Stephen Lemons right here, we clearly have mutual respect for each other and for Arizona’s Dennis Gilman, here is Mr. Lemon’s comment on Gilman and Yours Truly.
The ongoing CORI issue seen in today’s fliers that His Excellency is working to clear up is here.
Meanwhile, Boston area Pop Folk and Peace Legend James Taylor had a nice soul shake for me (I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting him in person though I’ve been a a show of his in the 90’s) and some stirring reminders those who would like to blame Governor Patrick for all the World’s woes:
“Massachusetts has the highest rate of job creation since the start of the year than any other state in the country….. thanks to Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray’s investment in our schools, the students of Massachusetts are the first in the Nation in Educational achievement…and that’s something that only happens with a Governor who values education as much as this one does.”
Can’t see post.
A Hitler reference? Come on. We can do better than that.
The Hitler reference was over the top and gratuitous.
Even if it were a reasonable allusion, it is best not made.
why is that so difficult to understand? Maybe people should check and see just how welcoming other countries are to people who sneak in. Iran locked up the hikers, north korea did the same and Mexico surely doesn’t allow people to just stroll across the border and get free health care, free food and a free place to live.
p>If we really want to do what is best for our poor citizens, we need to stop handing out benefits to those who are not legally entitled to receive them. Imagine how many more teachers, fire fighters or police officers we could hire if we had the billions of dollars that we are presently spending to take over the responsibilities of other countries…
ask about the US trade policies that drive foreign farmers into poverty, forcing them to take desperate measures to feed their families.
p>Ask how easy it is to immigrate legally. I’m not an expert, but my understanding is that the bar is quite high.
p>Realize that illegal immigrants typically do not avail themselves of public services, in fear of being discovered and deported.
p>Ask about people who were lured here with lies about their jobs and then exploited. Most of us don’t benefit as a result, unless we are the business owners who do the luring.
p>Apparently Americans don’t always have to sneak:…
Right-wing demagogues who use “illegal immigration” to pander to their audience always target the poor and powerless illegal immigrants — never the much wealthier and more powerful people who hire them (and smuggle them in, and profit from their illegal status, etc., etc., etc.).
p>This is strikingly similar to the approach taken by the same crowd towards “prostitution” — it is always the women who are targeted, and never the men who hire them.
p>If the interests who benefit, financially, from illegal immigration were aggressively exposed, prosecuted, and punished, then several things would happen:
p>In both “issues”, the political mileage is in the scapegoating, not in solving the problem.
I’m ready to send this out to my world of friends and family.
someone at the campaign should have thought that one through…