Pastor Jones won’t burn Korans, will be meeting with Imam Rauf
Besides the idea that burning anyone’s holy books is wrong, and in my view UnAmerican (take that, Senator McCarthy) – my own view had come to be that Pastor Jones’ actions were treasonous given that General Petraeus had said burning Korans would put the lives of American soldiers at risk and harm our efforts in Afghanistan.
According to the current reports, Imam Rauf who is the spiritual leader of the Muslim group building an Islamic Center in New York City somewhere in the general vacinity of “Ground Zero” and Pastor Jones will meet.
I don’t know if President Obama will be there with the cold, nonalcoholic drinks (lemonaide, maybe, as in we make lemonaid from lemons?)in stead of beer as my understanding is that observant Muslims don’t imbibe alcohol.
I also don’t think an Islamic Center (which is a sort of Islamic ‘YMCA’) some number of blocks from the place where the Twin Towers were destroyed is a “Mosque” or an insult to anyone, really, though these days some group or other seems to get hysterical about anything.
I bet one of the Photoshop Crew can plug in a map showing where things would have been in New York City. (Please?) It may be the site will change. It may be that triage will mean fewer recreational mob marches in the Middle East.
Only time will tell.
What do you all think, though
The owner of the property has offered to sell it for $20 million – about 4 times the price he purchased it for.
p>Donald Trump has offered to buy it with the proviso that a Cordoba House facility must be located 5 blocks away from the WTC site.
p>Free market at its best.
many rational people have searched for and documented numerous instances of high rise buildings NOT imploding and falling into their own footprints at near the accelleration of gravity.
p>Islam has been well established as Russia’s replacement enemy for the MIC, and well, they happen to be sitting on the oil.
p>The commerical info-propaganda-tainment media how to thing network is at yet another low point in Charolette Iserbyte world.
p>I agree, burning anything that some other group holds dear is not a good way to build bridges or mend fences whether that be with neighbors, people of other religions or people who have different perspectives than you do. I personally find it crass and offensive. Yes, the rights are clearly protected in the Constitution, but antagonizing people is no way to go through life.
p>The story of the Koran burning, hopefully not to be, has troubled me on many levels. First, the general premise of why it was being done made absolutely no sense, at least to me. Next, if you are trying to prove a point that you can do it, do it, but no need to broadcast it widely. (1st Amendment is 1st Amendment, no need to make a spectacle.) Next to last, I place a large part of the blame for the attention garnered by “Pastor” Jones on the media. This would not be a story if they had not made it one. He has but 50 members of his church so what on Earth is the media covering this for with such zeal. If they had left good enough alone, then all would have gone away. Finally, the attention from the senior members of the Executive Branch bothers me. Not because it is not a good idea to remind people that you have both rights and, hopefully, “Common Sense”, but because they have given this person far too much “air” time already. When the President or Secretary of State or many other senior officials opine they serve to extend the story which is, in my opinion, exactly what Pastor Jones wants.
p>I liken this to children who fall down when they are young. They will cry to try and get attention. If people react they cry louder for more attention. If no one responds they go on their way and bother no one. As parents know, there is a difference between a fall and cry for attention and a fall and cry because you are hurt. Pastor Jone wants attention like a petulant child, let’s not give him any more.
I’ve been reading tonight that Jones might be reconsidering his cancellation of the Koran burning.
Otherwise this nutbag will become simply the “first” person to burn a Koran. Think of how many other nuts out there will do it torching holy books.
p>My only concern is we can’t be scared of hurting people’s feelings. As I Catholic I had endure the whole Maplethorpe “piss Christ” art exhibit and some found the SNL’s “Find the Popes in the Pizza contest” which many Catholics found horrible (I thought it was funny). With so many people bashing other religions why do we cower when someone creates a cartoon about Mohammed and the press won’t even publish it? They publish the “Piss Christ” art (?) without hesitation?
p>Patraeus warned doing this would hurt Americans but didn’t we feel publishing the pics from Abu Ghraib would do the same… but it didn’t slow down CNN.
p>I do not agree with anyone burning a Koran or a Bible, a Torah… but I don’t think we should change our laws or prevent someone from practicing free speech because we are afraid of pissing someone off.
p>Obama has handled this terribly (no shock) as he continues his sack-less handling of everything. I think he acted “stupidly” on this one. Either support the First Amendment and allow a Mosque at Ground Zero and burning Korans OR publicly say both issues are legal but wrong!