Disclosure: I am supporting Jill Stein for Governor of Massachusetts. I am not employed by the campaign. I am voluntarily promoting her candidacy to family, friends, and citizens of our state.
Will Jill Stein pull votes from Patrick or Baker? While I think most here have concerns that Jill Stein will be pulling votes from Governor Patrick in the general election, I would like for you to consider that she may also pull votes from Charlie Baker. One really doesn’t know what will happen, however, if someone is not going to vote for Deval Patrick, they will pick one of the other three. What if too many pick Charlie Baker?
But more importantly, Jill Stein is a progressive voice that enthusiastically supports the values that we do. She is not taking corporate donations to her campaign. If you support the idea that campaigns should be free of special interest dollars, then you should show it by donating to the Jill Stein campaign.
She is currently about $40,000 dollars away from reaching the threshold to get matching funds from the state. Can you support this very courageous act of only taking “people” dollars instead of corporate dollars?
Please donate what you can. Let’s support clean elections and progressive values.
Why give to the middle (wo)man? It would be much more efficient to give directly to Charlie Baker!
My politics are similar to yours but Jill has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected. Yes, I think she is a bright woman but right now she is a spoiler. We don’t have the luxury of a third party in this election. Instead of running for the big offices, why can’t the Greens start taking down State Rep and State Senate seats first and begin influencing the State House? You may do well in Cambridge against Tim Toomey-he is ripe to be taken down, as he also holds a City Council seat.
and they will never get any better as long people vote party over principle. I am a Democrat and will often overlook questionable decision making and accept that candidates can’t possibly be everything that I want them to be.
p>If there were no other candidates running who I felt would be a better leader than Governor Patrick, I would stand with the status quo. However, we do have an amazing candidate who is everything I want her to be except for one issue: casinos. I can cave on that one.
p>It’s not easy to do this. I have always felt safe in the leadership of Democrats and there was a time when I could proudly promote any one of them, knowing that they were working in the interest of the middle class. Lately, not so much. I can’t, with any credibility, support the status quo. And while I can’t support the status quo, I’m always sure to remind people that worse than the status quo would be Republican leadership. With that said, and since I am situated in independent circles, I could very well be pulling votes from Baker too.
p>I appreciate that you have given this great thought and made your decision based on your own experiences and insight. I completely respect you for that and wouldn’t want it any other way.
I agree with you on that. I am not a member of the Green Party, but if a GP candidate were to run in my district I would certainly give them consideration. The Green Party platform is similar to the Democrats. I’m not sure why they can’t seem to get off the ground as party, especially since Massachusetts has an enormous amount of un-enrolled voters.
p>I’m not voting for Jill Stein specifically because she is a Green Party candidate. I am supporting her because I believe in her vision and want our state to take a turn in that direction. I could get into what that is, but I have decided not promote her platform on this website because I feel it would be antagonistic. Everyone knows where to go if they want more information.
because as far as I know, they don’t accept corporate donations, and there platform puts people before corporations and special interests. They are heavy on environmental protections – good for us, bad for corporations. Big on fairness to workers – good for us, bad for corporations. You get my drift.
p>We need to get money out of politics.
I keep hearing this, but I have no idea what it means. Corporate donations (that is, donations by corporations themselves) to political campaigns are illegal, both in MA and in federal elections, and Citizens United did not change that. If you’re talking about PAC money, OK, I understand that. But there is a difference, and I wish people would be clearer on what they’re talking about.
From: fec.gov
p>Same donation, it only matters what type of account it is drawn from. You are correct that the claim should be more specific. It may very well be in her interest to take contributions from a small business that would also be incorporated. I would say that a small business owner might find her to be a more appealing candidate than say – Blue Cross Blue Shield or some other large overpowering entity.
this is her statement on the subject.
p>from http://www.jillstein.org
She met the criteria for the second debate, just now crossing over the $100,000 mark.
p>The top number, $88,693, is the qualifying contributions for the state match. They only allow up to $250 of each contribution to count. Only two days left for $37,000 to be collected from contributions under $250.
p>Let’s make it happen.