Barney Frank has a qualified opponent for the Sept. 14th primary who needs your support.
Rachel is a LaRouche Democrat with a genuine FDR platform, which includes:
1. OUST OBAMA (Nixon-style)
2. Restore Glass-Steagall to stop the bailout of funny money
3. Build the biggest infrastructure project in US history with NAWAPA, the North American Water and Power Alliance. More on NAWAPA here
Barney has agreed to debate Rachel, but his stipulation was that the debate could only occur in Newton, and with no audience present.
There will be a rally outside the debate, more info on that on the events page.
This is a golden opportunity to remove Bailout Barney, and the Rachel Brown campaign can be reached through her website
If this is a spot where that rare species, the Larouche Democrat appears, BMG has achieved conservation status.
Apologies for the missing comma, though.
Living in the district, I’ve lost count of the amount of Brown propaganda defacing public spaces I’ve seen.
p>Anyone who votes for LaRouche has no idea what it is to be a Democrat, or frankly to live in a democracy.
…they have no idea what it is to live in reality.
If you have a kook, ask 3 questions. Are they,
1. A religious fanatic?
2. An ethnic or racial bigot?
3. Violent?
p>If the answer to all 3 is NO, then don’t worry about them.
Calling Barney Frank a Nazi is ridiculous.
That doesn’t mean that the health bill that was passed is good enough. It isn’t. The real question to ask him would be,
p>”After this health bill passes, would you be willing to support Medicare For All at a later time?”
p>The real answer is a single payer system like they have in Canada. We don’t get that because of political $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
p>As for impeaching Obama, you would have no basis for doing it. The problem is, Obama hasn’t done enough to change things, and not that he has done illegal things. Structurally, to impeach a President, you have to show that his ACTIONS WERE ILLEGAL. Obama has sat tight, so there are no illegal actions.
p>This NAWAPA thing is a bunch of canals and dams, taking water from Alaska into Western States. That will create a LOT of jobs, which is what the United States needs now. Plus, it would solve water problems in dry western states.
p>It’s a GREAT idea and ought to be implemented. Someone should give it another name, and get “smooth” PR flacks that have nothing to do with LaRouche to present it.
p>Too many Democrats put too much energy into showing that “we’re not kooks” and not enough into “we have the answer to the problems.”
We’re not saying Barney is a Nazi, its Obama that has embraced the Nazi T-4 plan of comparative effectiveness through the IPAB. Barney just defended and supported it.
p>Plus, Obama’s impeachment is not the policy of the campaign, rather, we should oust him like we did Nixon; the means for that exist, and the necessity of it is readily apparent to anyone willing to question the reality of this economic breakdown.
p>You’re plagued with the sisyphan fears that now define the Democratic party, that paralyze and prevent you from really fighting for a policy that would actually work.
NAWAPA, Glass-Steagall, or repealing Obama’s Nazi plan for single-payer, is your only possible hope for survival, and for this nation to survive, but lest you offend the gods of Olympus that you have created in your mind, you whimper: “And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought.”
p>Get over it quick, your nation depends upon it.