I am very proud of my voting record, in particular my vote against the anti-immigrant amendment in the Senate budget. With that vote, I bucked leadership and joined only nine of my Senate colleagues to reject a piece of hateful, misguided legislation – after only being sworn in a week prior.
I was a co-sponsor of a bill keeping large corporations out of our elections, and proudly co-sponsored a measure to bring funding to the LGBT Youth Commission. Since choosing to seek this seat, I have not wavered in my commitment to our progressive values – not because they are labeled progressive, but because they are the right thing to do and will move our Commonwealth into the future.
That’s why people such as Congressman Michael Capuano, Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, Senator Patricia Jehlen, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Representative Carl Sciortino, Cambridge City Councilor and Former Mayor Denise Simmons, Cambridge Vice Mayor Henrietta Davis and Cambridge City Councillor Marjorie Decker have endorsed my candidacy. They believe that I can best represent our district and stand up for the rights of individuals.
These leaders join with organizations such as Mass Alliance, Mass Equality, the National Association of Social Workers in Massachusetts, the Sierra Club, Mass League of Environmental Voters, and the SEIU State Council in supporting my re-election. Each of these organizations recognize that I have stood up for their values and will continue to be their advocate in the State Senate.
These elected officials and organizations do not take their endorsements lightly. They are very deliberate in their approach to ensure that a candidate is worthy of their support. They do not listen to innuendos or half-truths, but they look at the facts and make an informed decision. They have endorsed me because they have seen and know that I am a leader when progressive issues come before the State Senate.
Thank you for your past support. Let’s continue what we have started.
Senator, you’ve done a fantastic job since elected. It’s great to have an individual such as yourself representing such a diverse district. I look forward to your work over the next two years!
I hope you get a chance to finish it
First is the power of incumbency. Sal was able to get the entire political establishment behind him. Odds makers in politics were thinking that he was goingto make it and everyone wants to be on the winning side. So Sal got al the endorsements but more importantly it helped him get volunteers.
p>The second is his demonstrated competence. Sal was actually able to get a lot dome in the one month that he was a Senator and the Senate was in session. It gave him issues to run on and to show that he a someone with a proven ability to get things done.