Not having spoken to anyone within Mr. O’Leary’s campaign, I’m not really sure where they got the idea that Keating wants 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan. I mean, I understand where they took the number from – House Resolution 4899 – Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010 which called for $34.7 billion to support our troops in Afghanistan, including 30,000 more troops. The only member of Massachusetts Congressional Delegation that didn’t vote against H.R. 4899 was Rep. Steve Lynch, and I’m having trouble figuring out if he even voted. The thing is, Bill Keating has said, on the record, that he would have voted against H.R. 4899.
The candidates both said they would have voted against the recently passed defense appropriation bill for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. From the Boston Globe 8/27/10:
So Rob, where are you getting this 30,000 number from? The debates, maybe? Remember in Scituate when you and Bill came to the South Shore Democratic Caucus debate? When this happened?
Keating said he favors ending the war, but he stopped short of calling for immediate withdrawal, saying he supports President Obama’s July 2011 deadline – “or sooner.” From Patriot Ledger 8/31/10
Or when Bill said this:
“Keating agreed, but recognized the good work the men and women in the military have done thus far. He explained that the war was originally meant as a counter-insurgency, and that the military should pull out of Afghanistan by July 2011, or even sooner.” From the Harwich Oracle, 7/27/10
Is the O’Leary campaign trying to insinuate that Keating’s support for the President’s 2011 deadline is equivalent to being in favor of H.R. 4899, which in turn would mean he supported 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan? That’s sure what it looks like to me. You know what else that looks like to me? A lie.
O’Leary’s mailing goes on to say that “Bill Keating doesn’t understand the war in Afghanistan is crushing our economy” – but the thing is, Keating said he was against the defense appropriation bill, that pesky H.R. 4899, that would have sent $34.7 billion to Afghanistan. Keating seems well-aware that the money would be better spent at home creating jobs.
If you want more info on Bill Keating, check out his issues page. I also recommend checking out this video that Keating’s campaign put up yesterday. Video from the Scituate Debate is here and the Afghan war question specifically is located here
I look forward to supporting the Democratic nominee as soon as the results are in on Tuesday night, and take comfort in the fact that they have very similar positions on the war in Afghanistan, regardless of what Rob O’Leary WANTS you to believe.
UPDATE 9/13/2010
O’Leary was overheard complaining to former State Senator John Aylmer that “the race is getting tougher and nastier.”
Exemplifying that was a statement released Friday morning by O’Leary’s headquarters that suggested Keating endorses sending additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, which Keating denied.
“That is incorrect,” O’Leary told CapeCodTODAY. “No one is suggesting that he (Keating) supports additional troops there.”
O’Leary staffers explained that the statement alluded to Keating’s position 18 months ago on the U.S. “surge” in Iraq. About 30,000 additional U.S. troops were added then to push Al Quaida out of Iraq’s principal cities, a decision which was endorsed by both parties in congress at the time.
But this is what he mailed out:
Rob O’Leary lied about Bill Keating, and then Rob O’Leary LIED about LYING!
From the Cape Cod Today:
“That is incorrect,” O’Leary told CapeCodTODAY. “No one is suggesting that he (Keating) supports additional troops there.”
p>I got your mailing Rob and you clearly state that Bill Keating supports sending 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. Your either not being truthful, or the right hand does not know what the left is doing. Here is a link to the Cape Cod Today blog:
Great job at documenting this BS attack. I don’t expect any O’Leary folks to be commenting on this post…they are either showering from the slime that oozes from the O’Leary camp, or they are hanging their heads in shame.
It is beyond my comprehension that you are accusing O’Leary of running a negative race. Have you seen the mailings you have put out? Go thumb through the trash anywhere in the district, and you’ll surely find all of them.
That is your level of rebuttal? Lou, let me help you understand something…there is but difference telling voters that Candidate A has a different position that Candidate B and making shit up. O’Leary would consider raising the SS retirement age, Keating will not and O’Leary has been a long-time opponent of Cape Wind, Keating supports it. How does pointing these differences out justify completely making up a position about Keating?
On consecutive days I have recieved 2 smear mailers where you state “Keating is ON RECORD supporting sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan…” (caps added for emphasis) Now you’re hoping a mea culpa to a local Cape blog will wipe the slate clean? My neighbor’s son, a brave 22 yr old Marine is leaving for Afghanistan tomorrow. How dare you blatantly lie twice about such an emotional issue just to score political points!!!
Keating has said numerous times he supports the Predsident’s plan… the President’s plan is the surge. What am I missing?
…this post offers a ton of facts about O’Leary lies and you are incapable of refuting these facts….once again I will remind readers of your relentless attacks on Keating.
Up until this past week I felt that Rob O’Leary was a nice guy and his positions were pretty much in agreement with mine. I happened to favor Bill Keating but would not have had a problem supporting Rob should he end up being the Dem nominee.
p>I was THERE when Rob said in a ONE WORD answer that he would consider raising the retirement age. Then, he backpedaled.
p>Rob was responsible for the mailing stating that Bill Keating wants to send 30K troops to Afghanistan, now he is backpedaling on that.
p>What Rob has done is to strengthen my resolve to work like crazy in the next few days to ensure that Bill Keating is the Dem nominee from the 10th.
O’Leary SAYS this:
p>But O’Leary MAILED this: