Thank You for your thorough and ongoing investigation into the unreasonable distribution charges imposed by National Grid. It is very hard to be a consumer advocate in such a hostile corporate environment. Corporations have an unreasonable amount of control in the creation and implementation of regulations, and they seem to have infiltrated every government agency, both state and federal.
I am not at all surprised by the findings:
National Grid recently agreed to cut $1.5 million from the rate proposal after Coakley found what she called “inappropriate expenses” the utility planned to pass on to customers, including the cost of shipping a utility executive’s wine collection from great Britain to the US, money spent to send executives to the Presidential inauguration, and the tuition paid by a National Grid executive to send his children to an exclusive private school in the UK.
What surprises me as that there is an elected official who has the guts to take them on. Thank You so much for that. Please continue to investigate National Grid, and the other energy providers across our state. Please revisit National Grid’s recent electricity distribution rate hikes in Western MA as well as the unreasonable rate for Cape Wind energy. I hope that you can uncover and stop all of the abuses that this company is imposing on customers purchasing a most basic need: energy.
and the AG doesn’t think that any of that hike should be approved.
p>The press release is available here:…
p>Full disclosure: I am a paid staff member on Martha Coakley’s re-election campaign.