Cathrine Austin Fitts is not a small player.…
There are many turn off factors one can associate with Ms. Fitts such as 911 truther, reject from the Bush administration, insert other derogatory here, but then again why this.
Why can’t everybody has the same access to their particular flu shot disclaimer sheets just like the four page glossy drug ads in any magazine.
Please share widely!
I’ve mocked you, I’ve taunted you, and I’ve indulged you. Predictably enough, a diary title from you that features “pro-choice,” then, can only be like–what? Catnip to cat?
p>Plain and simple–here it comes: statistically speaking, you are here only because of the historical immunization of your population. Statistically speaking, you post here ONLY because YOU have reaped the benefits of the science of immunology. I know, I know, you can’t possibly believe that because that assertion cannot compute in your aluminum-infused galaxy, but there it is.
p>And if I thought it would make any difference to you, I’d show you what smallpox REALLY looks like. Few people have ever seen it, but there is time-lapse footage of a child, no less, from first eruption to full-blown pox. You should see that. Really you should. And then you can tell me what a scam it all is.
p>You should also see what a human looks like with diphtheria. Have you any idea? Do you even know, at the most cursory level, what diphtheria does to a human? I know you don’t–hardly anyone outside of immunology does. But I assure you, you wouldn’t like it. Would you like the gory details? Post-Soviet Russia had an outbreak. Their officials, who let their immunization program lapse, can tell you. They can also tell you why, when they saw the first cases of diphtheria, they funded their immunization program fully. It’s hideous.
p>Here’s my advice: don’t get a flu shot. Don’t get one. Here’s where I hope the herd won’t protect you because your unwillingness to accept the basic premises of science makes you, in a Darwinian sense, wholly expendable. Go for it.
a blessing or a curse. Science like anything else can be used for good or evil. We have also harnessed nuclear power which can be used to either heat a million homes or incinerate them. The good gets better yet the evil get more evil.
“Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature”.
I happen to buy than far more readily than I can buy the dangers of Osama bin dead for six years.