More details of the meeting between Charlie Baker and Paul Loscocco reported by the Globe. As we are all aware, Loscocco secretly met with Baker without the knowledge of Loscocco’s running mate and candidate for governor Tim Cahill.
Baker and Loscocco had a face-to-face meeting in a private room at the Seaport Hotel. It was reported that Baker attended the meeting with two of his top lieutenants. Loscocco attended with John Yob of Strategic National, a national Republican consulting firm that at one time worked on the Cahill campaign and Jason Zanetti who the Globe describes as a “Republican operative”. Here’s an interesting quote from the Globe story:
Baker and Loscocco met privately for about 20 minutes, before they sat down with their aides to work out details of the announcement, Baker campaign officials said.
So what exactly did Baker and Loscocco discuss in private?
What I don’t understand is why would Charlie Baker who is running on a platform stating that he wants to change the culture on Beacon Hill attend a secret meeting in a private room in a posh waterfront hotel. Kind of sounds like business as usual on Beacon Hill.
to the meeting Angle had with Ashjia in Nevada where Angle tried to convince Ashjia to drop out, offering favors and whatnot.
I like it!
Must be Italian.
When I want to engage in evil and secret plotting, I arrange to meet my confederates at a Dunkin or Au Bon Pain. It’s too busy for anybody to pay attention to you, and gives you plausible deniability (Hey! YOU drink Turbo shots, too?) in case you are seen. A Seaport hotel room will INEVITABLY be discovered once somebody starts to look.
as our resident taunter would say.
p>Answer that and you might have a story even I could believe.
None of us are denying it is real. We are all too aware of it. But what is going to happen in November is still to be seen. In Massachusetts, my bet is that we will reelect Deval and Tim and most of the state legislature. Nationally, I am betting the Republicans will gain a lot of seats, although mostly in spite of the Tea Party and not because of it.
p>Because you know if the poll is done by X, Y or Z then those numbers “don’t matter” as they are “right leaning” pollsters. So which poll?
that’s not internal to any campaign and is not otherwise by an unreliable partisan outfit. I fully expect the next Rasmussen poll, for instance, to bear out my prediction if it covers the right dates.
Cahill and Baker will both be there.
Couldn’t resist. : ) Plus, I never thought I’d say biotech forum and interesting in the same sentence.
Read the opinion piece, too, though — it’s quite insightful, I believe.
Charlie met with him for a whopping 20 minutes to accept an endorsement, so what? Was he supposed to turn him away? We’re fighting for every vote we can get right now so we can bail our state out of the MESS that your candidate stuck us in – 300,000 people out of work, while over the border in NH they have half the unemployment rate we have and EVERY day is a sales tax holiday!
p>Yeah, I DO plan to move out of here if Baker loses, therefore I am THRILLED to see him picking up endorsements from as many new supporters as possible.
p>I don’t CARE what a fickle person Loscocco is, that’s his problem, and as Charlie has said, people who want an answer about that really should take it up with Paul.
p>And as for Cahill – he is irrelevant at this point, and would have been regardless of what Loscocco did. Cahill was down to 5% and some of that group probably consisted of Loscocco supporters. So nice try with your poll predictions but it’s nothing but a pipe dream. This is a race between TWO people– Deval Patrick, perhaps the most unpopular governor since Mike Dukakis, and Charlie Baker, a central member of the team that rescued us from Mike Dukakis. No one seeking a change in direction will vote for Deval Patrick.
I would hate to be so utterly delusional.
p>I don’t see why anyone seeking a change from consistent job growth, increased tax revenues, and the best in the nation education system would want to vote for Patrick. Those looking for a change in direction from success to the failed polices of the past already have a great candidate in Charlie Baker.
I sure wouldn’t. Looks too dirty, too sneaky, especially in light of the way Cahill’s professional Republican campaign staff attempted to scuttle the campaign. If I were Mr. Baker, I’d want to distance myself from any appearance that I participated in this shameless (and unprecedented) defection.
p>That is, unless Loscocco wanted some direct assurances in a face to face meeting. In which case, a “whopping 20 minutes” would be just about enough time.
p>So, are you thinking about New Hampshire? Don’t overlook Vermont. It’s nice there too.
Cahill was already at 5% in the polls, why should Baker have to make ANY concessions to Loscocco, who has been absent from the campaign thus far and who apparently felt like he didn’t have a seat at Cahill’s table– which stands to reason since, as we all know, Cahill is a lifelong Democrat masquerading as an Independent just using socially conservative Loscocco to continue the ruse.
p>The masquerade didn’t work, Cahill tanked just like everyone predicted– and poor Deval will just have to fend for himself in this two person race.
p>And as for your question about NH or VT, I’m not planning on packing anytime soon, though I suspect many on here will be getting a pink slip shortly after Nov. 2nd!
One person’s a statewide office holder who the rank and file citizen of this state has at least heard of, the other guy’s unknown to something between 99-100% of the state, at least before this incident. Cahill was using Loscocco? It seems to me very much the other way around.
p>I don’t know which irks me more people who say they will “leave” if candidate X wins OR people who compare Massachusetts with New Hampshire – and you did both!
p>If you don’t like it here LEAVE NOW!
interesting ramble. I wonder if there are there unicorns and candy clouds where she is.
I’m so sick of being taken for a chump – I keep hearing about state employees getting raises and abusing the unsustainable pension system we have while I haven’t had a raise on two years and I get ZERO pension when I retire – this is all being paid for by chumps like me. Well, yeah, I have HAD ENOUGH – though I don’t expect much sympathy in these parts…
p>You chatter about some secret deal with Loscocco but the truth is, even if there were a deal (which there is not), it would be right out of Deval Patrick’s playbook – who could forget when he tried to give Marian Walsh a six-figure salary job that had been vacant for 12 years??? This, after giving her husband a high-paying state job.
p>And how about Jim Aloisi’s sis, who became Chief of Staff in an office that had NO staff:…
p>Let’s face it, folks – your candidate swept to victory in a landslide, and in just four short years is lucky if he gets over 40% in the polls! That’s nothing to gloat over, and I guess I’d be changing the subject, too…
First I heard of it. Got some links?
going to the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly VA while the press corps was held hostage on the airplanes?